Thursday, April 24, 2008

What Is A Good Length For An Arrow


In a country where the policy pays the information with the money of the citizens (almost one billion euro a year), where the law governing the national broadcasting system ( Gasparri law) is ordered by the European Union, there can be no freedom of information, there is no information . The public financing of newspapers is the medium blackmail politics to free information. How can we think that the Corriere della Sera, the biggest Italian newspaper, inform citizens about bad policy in a transparent way, if every year he received subsidies amounting to several million euro?
Every day in every interview, is a clear lack of an adversarial , each political party speaks for itself, they are all right and another wrong. The function of the journalist who takes the portions of the real no longer exists, no journalist denies a politician in the national guidelines.
Riotta, director of TG1, did not take up the defense of nationwide live Biagi when Berlusconi has denied the existence of the edict Bulgarian, and stated that the deceased journalist had gone to get a good redundancy. A director-mat as Riotta (but also all the others) would never dream of reporting the conflict of interest, judgments, laws ad personam of the new Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. This information doped interests uninhibited citizens about the real seriousness of these situations. Let's vote unaware of the differences between "prescription and absolution", "Immigration and Crime", "information and disinformation" and on many other issues that involve our sick society.
Tomorrow April 25, 2008 Beppe Grillo meet up the offer, in 450 Italian cities, the possibility to sign for three referendum : abolition of the Gasparri law condemned by the EU, the abolition of public funding to the newspapers, the abolition of the Journalists' (no western country has an order of journalists apart from ours). 500 thousand signatures are needed for each of the three points. The average is just over 1100 signatories to the city, you can do.
In Forlì banquet for the signatures will be via Andrea Dragoni 52 (opposite the park will be), you can sign from 9 am to 23. Nadia Masini The mayor has not made possible the collection of signatures in the Piazza Saffi, the city's main square. Not for the measurement of the Piazzetta, where the battle il primo V-DAY, è stata data la disponibilità.
Vorrei ringraziare il nostro sindaco Nadia Masini per l'ostruzionismo verso la libera informazione esibito in questa circostanza.
Nadia Masini VAFFANCULO!!!



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