Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gay Truth Or Dare Questions

Reasons percu vote IDV - What is not said enough

The publication of today will be an integral part of the last intervention " Reasons percu vote - What Grillo says. " In fact each of us needs to find a reason to do something and think about how to do it, as correctly as possible. So I, with the last trip, I gave reasons for voting, and today I convince you of the reasons I bought in to rate a list of Italy of Values. I will not vote
small parties (I would have liked it for the common good of dott.Montanari) not to disrespect, but because I continue to follow the line of consistency to combat the rise of the Berlusconi government. I am convinced that a vote for a party vote is not a little useful to this cause, in addition, each party that exceeds 1% of the electorate, entitled to receive € 1 for every vote received. This comes from a nice law passed in the general silence, and that represents a significant investment for some pseudo lists knowing that you have had no hope, just to make the lottery and maybe even win some prizes. IDV why I am voting coalition with the PD and PDL can compete against the more for other reasons now enumerate.
I want to clarify that the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty candidate as Prime Minister Walter Veltroni, but the votes that should not be acquired to increase the seats in the parliament of the Democratic Party, Veltroni is only for those votes and the candidate with the list " of Peter. "
from what I has already happened during the last government and then analyze what has been suggested during the election campaign.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhas distinguished itself as a party, and I was very impressed when he was the only one to refuse a full pardon. requirements, good conduct, pardon are means that serve to not only blow up the prison and get away with it in some cunning, man of politics. If you commit a crime you must pay. It's about time to begin to build prisons, because they are decades that are not built, and not continue to rely on these means depenalizzanti. Thus continuing the consequences will be still the same. More and more "miraculous" the streets (or Parliament) to do damage, and prison conditions more like torture. The way I see the IDV has done very well to vote against the pardon and Peter has done very well to get 20 million euro, the reduction of funding for political parties, and slather on the construction of new prisons. addition of Peter is the only one who spoke of 98MILIARDI € of dealerships that have slot machines to the state. It 'was the only one to fight against the limitation of wiretaps ordered by Mastella, the one against the state secrets case on seismic CIA ( Abu Omar), against the decriminalization of penalties for fraudulent bankruptcy. But how does a center-left government thinking of wanting to decriminalize the offense of fraudulent bankruptcy? And those who have to protect small investors? At least there's a Peter that he is not in the game.
When the treasurers of political parties began to re-open the public funding to parties treasurer IDV Silvana Mura opposed along with a few others, and this is another good point. Silvana Mura is nominated as a deputy in the elections even in my region, Emilia-Romagna. From
Minister, Peter has reported a lack of investment by Highways for a total of 2.5 billion euro, has asked to be deposited in a fund of the Ministry and asked for the interests of companies concessionarie. Ha vinto 4 cause intentate al Ministero delle Infrastrutture per la tentata fusione Abertis – Atlantia (exAutostrade). Ha STOPPATO gli aumenti delle tariffe autostradali. Ha destinato i fondi per il ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, all’area metropolitana di Palermo, Messina e Catania. I dipendenti della società Stretto di Messina sono stati trasferiti presso l’ANAS, sono rimasti 5 dipendenti e un amministratore (incarico assegnato al presidente dell’ANSA) a stipendio gratuito. Insomma questo Antonio di Pietro le ha fatte le sue cose buone, sicuramente qualcosa ha toppato, ma nessuno è perfetto e in rapporto a quello che è successo nella politica è l’unico di cui I can list many positive notes. I also want to recognize the great merit of having understood the philosophy and politics in the blog network. his excellent work on you tube, its electoral program discussed with the readers of the blog, the answers quite common to the demands of his mass in the online space. Truly an example to all other politicians in this field.
Now for the campaign and presenting lists dall'IDV.
The only one in this campaign reminds that Italy was condemned by the European Court of Justice, being taken out of the national frequency Rete4 forward and let Europa7, remains of Peter. About this affair, the Italian courts, ruling to be issued later this year for the compensation to the Italian state has to Francesco di Stefano holds Europa7. This money (OUR ) will be calculated using a formula retroactively from July 2006. The fine could be around the order of € 300,000 per day (198.3 million euro to date).
For nearly 10 years he's screwed Berlusconi's ruling of the Constitutional Court, making money abuses associated with the advertising of Rete 4, and now taxpayers will pay.
Former Telecommunications Minister Gasparri (who wrote the law to pay) said Rete4 risks nothing and will continue to broadcast.
easy, so we pay it? Gasparri FUCK you and your master!
The obvious conflict of interest can play tricks on me, but only speaks of Peter in policy matters and the various Fassino, Violante, d'Alema, Veltroni, Bonino, Gentiloni are all silent. In electoral program of IDV was included efforts to enforce the ruling and remove politics from RAI. point that I agree absolutely. Some other points of the program are shared review of legge30, tax breaks for the precarious, reintroduction of the crime of false accounting (decriminalized by Berlusconi himself and his fellow party members), the period of limitation after the trial, ineligibility of members of parliament with res judicata (final sentence), RETURN OF VOTING PREFERENCE, investment in renewable energy sources, IMMEDIATE RETURN OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND REQUIRED to serve their sentences TO YOU IF THEY WERE GUILTY OF CRIME. I believe that if the elections go well some of these ideas we will have to go to the Chambers. The only party that has offered to nominate Beppe Lumia and Nando Dalla Chiesa was IDV (Lumia was able to get into the PD and the Church has not reached an agreement and was out of the elections). Also
IDV presented a list of candidates of all respect, the most notorious one reads:

-Beppe Giulietti : president of the foundation for freedom of information Articolo21 .
-Pancho Pardi : professor of urban planning in Florence, girotondino assault.
-Leoluca Orlando : Professor of Public Law at Palermo, with extensive experience in antimafia, has also written many books on the subject.
Jean-Léonard Touadi : university professor in Rome (Gregorian) and Milan (Tor Vergata), journalist, television writer, former councilor alle politiche giovanili e alla sicurezza nel comune di Roma.
-Elio Lannutti : presidente dell’associazione consumatori Adusbef.
-La baronessa Teresa Cordopatri : anche lei impegnata nella lotta contro la ‘ndrangheta, si salvò da un’esecuzione dove il fratello rimase ucciso, perché si erano rifiutati di pagare il pizzo.
-Silvana Mura : imprenditrice nel settore moda e tesoriere del partito.

Candidature d’eccellenza in risposta a liste intrise di condannati o prescritti degli altri partiti più grandi
. Anche per questo è giusto dare la mia fiducia a IDV. Nessun altra lista worth more than my vote. I'm sure that if Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin this election will more political weight of the past years, there may be a hope of turning, everything depends on the outcome of the election.

See the explanation of vote by Marco Travaglio.

See list of convicted coalition PD + IDV
See list of convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa



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