Friday, April 18, 2008

How Can I Get My Mechanics License In Ontario?


Paolo Barnard è un giornalista free lance che nei primi anni del 2000 fece un'indagine scomoda, e attraverso il programma Report di Milena Gabbanelli, trasmise il frutto del suo lavoro. Il servizio è stato querelato dalla parte incriminata. Attraverso una clausola contrattuale, che all journalists are forced to sign if they want to work , RAI and Milena Gabbanelli turn their backs on Barnard. In this way all the responsibilities are downloaded to a journalist (employee) who has trusted its publisher, and now stands alone to face trial millionaire, who for obvious economic reasons can not support. The companies exert incredible pressure on the media, so cowed by information companies such as RAI, which must fall in actions worthy of the most miserable cowardice, but to save themselves from a potentially damaging trial. Barnard reported on the forum for his case report, a public forum property because of the RAI, and then state. The discussion forum was followed by others. Following the discussion was censored and banned from the forum participants. a public forum has censored and banned free citizens discussing uncomfortable topics. It 'clear that Barnard is also damaged in addition to the free information. This is a classic case of which should interest the anti-dissident, or as Grillo Travaglio, also the same Gabbanelli. But none of these denounces the "Indemnification ," nobody is talking about Paul Barnard, nobody sets out against abuse against the freedom of information. I am aware of these facts because Piero Ricca did a posting on his blog on this topic.
On the blog of Beppe Grillo are censored people trying to report the case "Paul Barnard, I myself have been criticized, because comments are not accepted in the arguments developed. The same
Beppe Grillo at a press conference says of "90% me you can trust." Clearly the case, "Paul Barnard" is included in the 10%.


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