Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Long Shoe Internal Brakes

Reasons percu vote - What Grillo says

The vote, which teaches us from childhood, is both a right and a duty. And 'the means by which people (presumably sovereign) to exercise his power, electing political representation. Vote is to elect those who represent us and who, is thought to help improve the country's progress and welfare of citizens.
vote means taking responsibility, is to participate, who abstains from voting is out of the game and "those who are outside, certainly can not stay inside."
Beppe Grillo wrote on his blog "the non vote is a vote. The non vote is the vote of the informed citizen."
Failure vote is not a vote, nor is it an act of protest, because no one listens to those who do not feel. And 'a protest useless, and Beppe knows, however, because millions of Italians go to vote, and is aware that most of its grillini if \u200b\u200bvoted, would vote center, probably IDV. If people who follow him do not go to vote, is cut a huge slice of the electorate to the center, and Beppe will make a great gift to the center-right Berlusconi. It 's a counter-maneuver whatever reasons. Not we can afford at all.
also cancel the cards or leave them white is nonsense, because this electoral law grants voting the number of cards of this type, the party that has achieved the most votes. This party could be the PD or the PDL (have gained to benefit from this award). We want games to see which party will have more votes and win the prize "cards canceled by grillini? I really do not risk it. Also one thing that pisses me off Beppe Grillo is the indifference with which he confronts a question of enormous importance. In the network you can find a procedure which describes the method to cancel the vote, without giving any party the reward of blank or void. I do not know how reliable this should discuss it as a Cricket che possiede il blog più visitato in Italia, non io che faccio 20 entrate al giorno.
Perché si limita a scrivere idiozie impregnate di superficialità, come la dichiarazione scritta sopra, e non discute questo argomento?
Il procedimento è il seguente: si va nel seggio, si presentano la tessera elettorale e i propri documenti, si fa vidimare la scheda elettorale, poi si dichiara il rifiuto della scheda per protesta e si richiede di verbalizzare questo atto. Nel caso in cui gli scrutatori impedissero questa manovra ci si può appellare al D.P.R. 30 marzo 1957, n. 361 - Art.104 - Par. 5 5 . Questa legge è valida, ma solo se il procedimento appena descritto rientra nelle operazioni elettorali previste dalla law (and I do not know), in this case belongs to the electoral office and anyone who opposes the execution of a transaction approved by the law, he risks imprisonment from 3 to 7 years plus a hefty fine.
I do not agree with any method just described turnout or boycott, because I believe in the Italian context, consistency must prevail over ideology. In Italy every day to witness a phenomenon, an anomaly that is not present in any other Western democracy, is called Berlusconi. A media monopoly, with hands-on every important deal, a huge conflict of interest, criminal records in quantities of Guinness, which is head of a "party company" formed by friends in business, former executives of his companies, relatives of employees (Diana de Feo wife of Emilio Fede in the first place), and his lawyers (Sheehan, Ghedini, Previti, etc.) in history occurred only in our country, and is still present. Indeed this "phenomenon" risk ending up head of government for the third time in less than 15 years. We must fight it and prevent it from happening. It can not be fought with the "campaign posters" Suddenly, you fight by voting against this crap that is likely to rise again in power.
The real protest could do it in the House, April 29, when they convened the new rooms, all set to call for an immediate riforma elettorale. Ma intanto andiamo a votare con questa legge, anche se fa schifo, anche se è incostituzionale. Perché non farlo NON è una protesta, e NON ti distingue come “cittadino informato”. E’ solo inutile.
Beppe Grillo VAFFANCULO anche a te!!!
Il 25 aprile non lo so se vengo a Torino, ho paura di avere dei rimorsi se cominci a sparare idiozie sul “non voto”.

ps: a questo intervento seguirà "Ragioni percui voto IDV- Quello che non si dice mai abbastanza" una specie di dichiarazione di voto, che ci terrei molto a pubblicare, per una serie di motivazioni legate all'autoconvinzione.

Guarda l'elenco dei condannati della coalizione PD + IDV
See list of convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa



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