Friday, April 4, 2008

Mothers Impregnated By Theirsons



" Rate Pd means a series of negative things like having Minister Antonio Di Pietro della Giustizia". Silvio Berlusconi, arrivando a un incontro organizzato dalla Confapi, punta il dito contro l'ex pm e leader dell'Italia dei valori che, avverte, in caso di vittoria del Pd sarebbe il nuovo guardasigilli. Poi il Cavaliere elenca un'altra serie di effetti negativi: "Votare Pd vuol dire continuare col sistema delle intercettazioni, che viola la nostra privacy; vuol dire che non si abbatteranno i costi della politica, poiché sappiamo come Veltroni e Di Pietro si sono già comportati; e vuol dire che non costruiranno il ponte sullo Stretto "
Venerdì 4 aprile 2008 ore 11.52

Tra le migliaia di cose negative che esistono al mondo, quale sarebbe secondo voi la most abhorrent and terrible that it can disrupt our country? The candidate
Prime Minister Berlusconi, choosing from a wide range, used as an example the possibility of having nefarious Antonio di Pietro as Minister of Justice.
to Italian medium could be a doubt. But we had Mastella Keeper for 245 days .. What could be worse?
In fact the words of the Parliamentary Italy's richest should always be placed in context. That is where what is right, it is right for him, or for those who have served us well.
fact a minister of justice "to Berlusca" should be a good-natured character, without pearl head crickets, open to dialogue and above all to compromise. Would propose another amnesty laws and maybe keep alive the "ad personam" hard to get in 5 years of hard work to the government. It would indeed be a minister if he could slap a little polish 'the statute of limitations for some crimes for which defendants friends and colleagues. But
Antonio di Pietro was never a minister "to Berlusca" for the simple fact that it was a magistrate, who opened and conducted the investigation "Clean Hands", which has sent many corrupt politicians in jail, and has already plan to eliminate the shameful laws on false accounting. It would also be very risky if it could also speed up of justice, because his friend Marcello and others still have some pending sentence. Silvio true?! But let
of Peter, so they do not want Keeper even those of PD, it certainly will not have to worry about it. Let's talk about
interceptions. The system of wiretapping "violates our privacy." Sorry but the privacy of those? Clearly, the nano 71enne meant his privacy and that of the bankrupt entrepreneurs, politicians or crafty, or the Mafia, not sure my because I have nothing to hide. And privacy is violated if the interception end in the newspapers, not because the interception was made, it would be like saying that the disease is the analysis because they were made. As for the wiretapping "political", I consider myself in favor of the issue, because in addition to giving my vote, I would like also to give my opinion on some obscure events involving our representatives. I would also like to recall that half interception is still of great importance in the investigation and to date has contributed greatly in the investigation of the most shameful scandals in the history of the Republic. Some examples are & Parmalat Cirio, Tangentopoli, the scandal Unipol-BNL-Antonveneta, the case of bribes to guards Finance (among the suspects strangely friend FININVEST) Moggiopoli, etc. Vallettopoli. Perhaps
Silvio has been annoyed by some episodes in his career, was the protagonist of interceptions ( intercett1 , intercett2 , intercett3 ), but you're not a kid anymore, you can not have everything you want , at 71 you have to import limits. I would begin retiring in an exotic location with my money, my children billionaires, my companions complacent and my various prescriptions and amnesties that, it seems, but really take a lot of company. Change the subject. We talk about the bridge, one with a capital letter means. The bridge over the Strait of Messina is one of the "great works" promised by Berlusconi's Italy. I do not agree on the construction for a few reasons that I want to list. The first reason is a natural geological'm no expert but I would say, in fact the island of Sicily moves north each year a quantity of the order of 0.5 to 1 cm, and the project is now under contract no takes into account these changes. So it would build a bridge for a dramatic end. Another reason very natural for us Italians, the money is. In fact, the consortium of companies that won the contract for the construction of the bridge (Impregilo) asks almost 4 billion €. In a country like ours, where public debt has become 1629700000000 of € 70 billion with annual interest of € , I would think to reduce this chasm of debt before starting to build pharaonic works unnecessary. In addition, the bridge project is already the subject of two investigations by the prosecution: one for the environmental impact on land, matters on which the European Union has already expressed by starting an infringement procedure in 2005 (therefore against the Berlusconi government), for have not provided adequate information as the study presented by the government "has not been done properly."
The other investigation involved the interception of telephone economist Pelanda Carlo and Paolo Savona, then president of Impregilo, which announced its victory Impregilo, which has taken place and that a bookmaker Sicilian expert in betting on tenders, giving favored for some time. The beautiful bridge over the Strait is so short-lived, expensive, subject to investigations and not worth the cost. In fact, the exchange of goods between Sicily and the peninsula would be affected by limited crossings through the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway which would tie . Part of it is impounded for investigation and completion is expected entro il 2010, salvo imprevisti.
Insomma oggi il leader del PDL con una sola dichiarazione mi ha dato modo di dare sfogo alla repressione che mi tormentava da un po’ di tempo. Grazie Silvio.
A breve vorrei pubblicare l’elenco dei pregiudicati e prescritti che Berlusconi ha candidato nelle sue liste per le prossime elezioni, nel frattempo ricordiamo i suoi precedenti giudiziari, perché è sempre bello farlo. Prima di incominciare con il variegato elenco vorrei ricordare che la prescrizione, per reati di tipo penale, riconosce la colpevolezza ma non interviene attuando la pena perché è passato troppo tempo da quanto è stato commesso il reato (insomma una cagata). La prescrizione NON è affatto equal absolution. Often these mistakes fall flat major newspapers and national news, do not be fooled.

Silvio Berlusconi has been prescribed for

Lodo Mondadori, judicial corruption (with extenuating circumstances, that is justified by the court because the law does not explicitly stated)
All Iberian, 1.23 billion lire to Craxi (New Act made)
case Lentini, false accounting (new Act made)
Sme-Ariosto2 , false accounting (new law on accounting fraud occurred)
Financial Fininvest, false accounting e appropriazione indebita (nuova legge sul falso in bilancio intervenuta)
Consolidato Fininvest , falso in bilancio (nuova legge sul falso in bilancio intervenuta)

Reati estinti per intervenuta amnistia

Falsa testimonianza P2
Terreni Macherio , imputazione per uno dei due falsi in bilancio



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