Piero Ricca in network television
The citizen Piero Ricca years to continue the fight against abuse of power. He preaches with passion admirable revival of memory, morality, and the ability of indignation. extinct in Italian average values, which may be too confused, too disillusioned, too manipulated, is unable to defend itself from rot around him. Along with a group of friends founded " QuiMilanoLibera ", this first group of citizens is not subservient to the system is followed by others as "QuiBolognaLibera", "QuiRomaLibera", "QuiLeccoLibera. The group of citizens (all uncensored) is organized at every opportunity to collect interviews with representatives of the Italian ruling class, with uncomfortable questions that the information would never make partner, and finally exposing their actions on YouTube. The group of Piero Ricca, having a vast archive of interviews, has seen fit to exploit la piattaforma Mogulus per riunire tutte le esperienze raccolte sino ad oggi. Una specie di televisione no stop delle interviste "made by QuiMilanoLibera".
Seguo le avventure di Piero e del suo gruppo ormai da molto tempo, e ho deciso di inserire nel mio blog il link a questa tv un po' particolare, perchè penso che da queste persone ci sia da imparare molto. Buona visione.
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