WHEN AN ELECTION ends in tragedy - I BROUGHT
Berlusconi Italians have chosen to govern the country, for the third time the Knight Chair in salt, legitimizing his victory with millions of votes of the posting. E ' Berlusconi's Italy but is also Italy's Northern League party in Berlusconi's domination of much of the northern regions. The Democratic Party is incapable of competing with the PDL, all represented by the left Rainbow Left, Communist Workers' Party, Critical Left, the Socialist Party was swept away. The Italians have chosen those who adopted a hard line spitting out lies every day, defaming recklessly, proclaimed serial killer as a hero Mangano, threatening civil war, not to mention the interception of dell'Utri 50 thousand cards to change in favor the PDL. The Democratic Party has a major fault that it did not demolish the Berlusconi's team, no one really did, but suffice to say the Italians the truth. enough to talk with the requirements of the Knight, his registration to lodge P2, its laws to measure, the condemned and prescribed that the candidate (and almost all will go to Parliament), who was really Mangano, relations with Craxi , edict Bulgarian, 14 years of lies in politics, the huge conflict of interest, lack of credibility that gains abroad.
Italians are not guilty but are unaware. There is no one in Italy that can educate the average citizen on the enormous size of the seriousness of the facts. Monopoly televisivo e la complicità delle testate giornalistiche sono tutte a favore di questo Berlusconi, che in un altro Paese sarebbe smentito ad ogni intervista, o più probabilmente in galera da tempo. La vera grande sconfitta di queste elezioni è la libertà d’informazione italiana, ne esce vittoriosa l’omertà elettorale, nemmeno i nemici politici di Berlusconi si azzardano a dire la verità sul suo conto, a screditarlo c’è solo Antonio di Pietro (in queste elezioni ha raddoppiato l'elettorato), che dal suo blog mostra la tessera da piduista del “paladino delle libertà”.
Uniche note positive di queste elezioni sono, la larga maggioranza che mette sulle spalle del governo much of the responsibility, the elimination of small parties that allows for greater stability between the coalitions, and the birth of a third force in Parliament, which can be an alternative to large coalitions, even if the UDC is currently not inspires me great guarantees. Emilia-Romagna, my region, the coalition PD + IDV has emerged in the Senate (49.9%) and the House (49.4%), the coalition scored PDL LN + 36.5% to 36.3% in the House and Senate. In my province, Forlì-Cesena, the results were about the same, the Senate 49.1% for PD and 36.9% for IDV + + PDL LN, the House 49.5% and 36.5% PD + IDV PDL LN +. Let's say you live in a happy island, but unfortunately there is little to cheer about.
Today is granted only concern. What will tomorrow be addressed with clarity that I try to give everything I write, without blinkers or compromised.
Carry a list of the condemned and forfeited both coalitions, unlike the previous lists (candidates), these people will go to Parliament to legislate.
winning coalition PDL LN + + Mpa (16 Members senators +12 = 28)
Gianni Alemanno (EXAN): in 1982 was affected eight months in prison for throwing a Molotov cocktail against the embassy of the Soviet Union . After serving the sentence requires, and gets the "criminal rehabilitation" and therefore no criminal record is clean. Member.
Silvio Berlusconi: 4 times Prescribed by the crime of false accounting, also prescribed by the judicial bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks (1.23 billion Craxi). Member.
Massimo Maria Berruti: sentenced to eight months in prison for aiding and abetting bribery in the case of the Guardia di Finanza. Prescribed by the crime of false accounting (if Lentini). Member.
Matthew Bragantini (LN): sentenced to 2 months for racist propaganda. Member.
Aldo Brancher: prescribed for funding illecito ai partiti. Deputato.
Matteo Brigandì(LN): arrestato e condannato a 2 anni di reclusione per truffa aggravata ai danni della Regione Piemonte. Camera dei deputati Marche numero 3 lista Lega Nord. Deputato.
Umberto Bossi(LN): condannato a 8 mesi per violazione della legge sul finanziamento pubblico ai partiti, condannato ad 1 anno e 4 mesi per vilipendio alla bandiera italiana. Prescritto dal reato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Deputato.
Roberto Calderoli(LN): prescritto dal reato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Senatore.
Giulio Camber: condannato a 8 mesi per millantato credito ricevette 100 milioni di lire da una banca per assicurarle appoggio politico e salvarla dalla bancarotta. Senatore.
Giampiero Carlo Cantoni: 2 anni (patteggiati) per corruzione e bancarotta fraudolenta. Senatore.
Davide Carlo Caparini(LN): prescritto per resistenza a pubblico ufficiale per i fatti di via Bellerio. Deputato.
Giampiero Catone: arrestato per associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla truffa aggravata, falso, false comunicazioni sociali e bancarotta fraudolenta pluriaggravata. Deputato.
Giuseppe Ciarrapico: può vantare condanne come sfruttamento del lavoro minorile, 4 anni e 6 mesi per bancarotta fraudolenta, 3 anni per ricettazione fallimentare, 1 anno e 8 mesi per truffa pluriaggravata, e una condanna con rito shortened to one year for false accounting and fraud. In all five convictions. Senator.
Marcello de Angelis (EXAN): sentenced to 5 years for an armed and subversive association (manager of the Third Position). Member.
Marcello Dell'Utri: 2 years for attempted extortion, 9 years for complicity with the Mafia, 2 years for tax fraud. Senator Renato Farina
: 6 months (negotiation) for aiding and abetting in the case seismic CIA. Member.
Vincent Fasano (EXAN): sentenced to 2 years for extortion for the survey on areas of Asi Battipaglia (Salerno). Pena pardon. Senator.
Joseph Firrarello: recently sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison for disturbance of the auction. Senator.
Gaspare Giudice: prescribed for simple bankruptcy. Member.
Maurizio Iapichino: arrested in 1995 and tried for false billing, false accounting, abuse of office, get the prescription. Member.
Giorgio La Malfa: sentenced to six months for illegal financing. Member.
Giancarlo Lehner: convicted of aggravated defamation. Member.
Roberto Maroni (LN): sentenced 4 years and 20 days for resisting a public officer. Member.
Domenico Nania (EXAN): conviction for voluntary personal injury during a demonstration student. Senator.
Anthony Pearson: prescribed for a case of bribes to public health. Senator.
Salvatore Sciascia: 2 years for corruption in the bribery scandal at the Tax Police. Senator.
Antonio Tomassini: sentence of 3 years for falsification of public document. Dr. Tomassini was deleted partogramma convicted of one of his patients, who gave birth to a baby destined to 19 years of vegetative life. Senator.
Carlo Vizzini: Enimont required in the bribery scandal. Senator.
Coalition loser PD + IDV (7 Members senators +2 = 9)
Emma Bonino 1975 arrestata per procurato aborto sconta il carcere, 1977 arrestata a Varsavia poiché manifestava contro il regime comunista, 1990 viene arrestata a New York per la distribuzione illegale di siringhe, in questa occasione manifestava contro la legge che impediva l’uso di siringhe ai tossicodipendenti senza prescrizione medica. Senatrice.
Enzo Carra: condannato a 1 anno e 4 mesi per false dichiarazioni nel caso delle tangenti Enimont. Deputato.
Pierluigi Castagnetti: prescitto per corruzione a causa di una tangente ricevuta tra il 1991 e il 1992. Deputato.
Massimo D’Alema: prescrizione per finanziamento illecito da parte di Francesco Cavallari (noto per la sua condanna per concorso esterno with the Mafia). Member.
Renzo Lusetti: former commissioner of the junta Rutelli in Rome, sentenced to pay a sum to the municipality of Rome around 400milioni lire for each other "golden advice." Member.
Leoluca Orlando: convicted of aggravated defamation. Member.
Antonio Papania: sentenced to 2 years 20 months and 20 days (negotiation) for abuse of office. Senator.
Andrea Rigoni: First Instance sentenced to 8 months for building permit violations. Member.
Francesco Rutelli: ordered to pay the municipality of Rome the sum of £ 301,674,228 for the case of the "golden advice." Senator.
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