Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Lacrosse Helmet Do You Get The Most Tilt In?

HAND OF GOD - What the Vatican says

After the famous "Sex Crimes and Vatican "come from America the new" Hand of God "translated into Italian. One of the many shameful truth that the Church tries to hide forever, is getting back on the well of silence in which it was thrown. Those who have faith in God has put it, not in this religious institution, more and more corrupt and adrift of morality. Faith does not reside in people who want to represent it.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Volleyball Game For Psp

Piero Ricca in network television

The citizen Piero Ricca years to continue the fight against abuse of power. He preaches with passion admirable revival of memory, morality, and the ability of indignation. extinct in Italian average values, which may be too confused, too disillusioned, too manipulated, is unable to defend itself from rot around him. Along with a group of friends founded " QuiMilanoLibera ", this first group of citizens is not subservient to the system is followed by others as "QuiBolognaLibera", "QuiRomaLibera", "QuiLeccoLibera. The group of citizens (all uncensored) is organized at every opportunity to collect interviews with representatives of the Italian ruling class, with uncomfortable questions that the information would never make partner, and finally exposing their actions on YouTube. The group of Piero Ricca, having a vast archive of interviews, has seen fit to exploit la piattaforma Mogulus per riunire tutte le esperienze raccolte sino ad oggi. Una specie di televisione no stop delle interviste "made by QuiMilanoLibera".
Seguo le avventure di Piero e del suo gruppo ormai da molto tempo, e ho deciso di inserire nel mio blog il link a questa tv un po' particolare, perchè penso che da queste persone ci sia da imparare molto. Buona visione.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blueprints For A Knife


Nella giornata di oggi sono stato vittima di censure da parte del sito
Il sito consente agli utenti di commentare gli articoli che giornalmente vengono postati dalla redazione. Evidentemente alcuni commenti sono deemed inappropriate. I would like to bring the action complained of by the online space purple, at least here nobody censurerà. Article Comments

Lucchini, Sampdoria: "The penalty on Mutu there was"
"I think a team like Sampdoria and Mr. Mazzarri should complain more than having a president like oil rather than receive Garrone wrongs (that only they can see) in the league. I would be ashamed to take money from someone who asked the Ministry of Environment for permission to throw nell'Etna 1 million tons of pitch. lives or where the f ** k this guy ? not know where to get the money to dispose of its waste carcinogenic activity and wants to throw it all in a volcano. seems to be in the comics! Samp has the merit of having fans who send their right to fuck president. But there are few ... PURPLE POWER! "

Article Comments Galliani:" Having recovered two points gives us the moral ... "
" Galliani end of the season in the UEFA and you'll send out supplies of Gattuso, Gilardino and Kaka (as minimum). Start comb Bellicapelli you want cute in a press conference on May 19!
Take my solidarity bugiardoladro fuck your master and remember to rinse your mouth before speaking about Fiorentina. Shame on you! PURPLE POWER! "

Article Comments Program: tomorrow Semioli morning training and in the press room
"are always (s.exonthebeach). I really want to understand why I get censored. Galliani also to comment on. This site is considered to be inappropriate to recall that Galliani is the servant of Berlusconi? E 'considered Galliani still remember that cheeky investigated the history of the inflated salary? The editors might deem useful to remember that Galliani was president of the Football League for four years and has never said anything Moggi undisturbed while pursuing his shady dealings?
Then the preparation could explain why a comment was censored on Garrone? There is an interview, of which there are records, in cui Garrone Riccardo afferma quello che ho riportato. voleva smantellare una tonnellata d pece gettandola nell'Etna. Garrone inoltre è stato prescritto (non assolto) per alcuni reati riguardanti lo scandalo petroli degli anni 80. Allora vogliamo imparare a ricordare chi sono questi personaggi? Vogliamo imparare a indignarci della presenza di questi soggetti nel mondo dello sport? questa gente non può parlare di sport, non può trattare affari sportivi, devono diventare outsider di questo sistema. lo sport è correttezza non business. BASTA!!! se poi la redazione ritiene opportuno censurare i miei commenti per il linguaggio, magari eccessivamente impetuoso, vorrei ricordare che il "vaffanculo" è stato svincolato dalla Cassazione l'estate scorsa. perciò se non la smettete di censurarmi vi ci mando a voi!!! Grazie."

Sono dell'idea che censurare simili interventi non fa altro che favorire il gioco dei soggeti citati. I vari Galliani, Moratti, Berlusconi, Garrone, Lotito continuano a marciare sull'indifferenza e spesso anche incosapevolezza dei propri tifosi. Sensibilizzare certi argomenti potrebbe anche aiutare le tifoserie a richiedere, da parte dei propri dirigenti, atteggiamenti che rientrano nei canoni dell'etica. In alcuni casi io proporrei anche l'antica arte del "calcio in culo". In ogni caso la redazione di si dimostra deludente sotto questo aspetto.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Free Reading Forum Letters

Terza prova: come cavarsela

La terza prova è sicuramente la prova che preoccupa il maggior numero di maturandi: è una prova caratterizzata da domande e esercizi inerenti 4 materie escluse quelle della seconda prova: il meccanismo con il quale vengono assegnate le materie dovrebbe essere il sorteggio anche se spesso gli insegnanti lasciano intendere quali saranno le materie assegnate nella terza prova. Per la terza prova spesso è sufficiente una preparazione abbastanza generica sugli argomenti a cui gli insegnanti della commissione tengono di più: sono gli insegnanti della commissione che infatti sceglieranno le materie della terza prova e le same questions with regard to the professors of the council will be easy to avoid them any clue about the third test, the professors of the external commission will instead seek information and understanding.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bible Black Watch Online

Geoffrey COMPLAINT Gurrumul Yunupingu

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu è un cantante e chitarrista aborigeno, cieco dalla nascita, negli ultimi tempi stà ottenendo una grande popolarità. Canta in inglese o nella lingua della sua gente, gli aborigeni Yolngu, tipici dell' Arnhem Land orientale. Devo ammettere che mi ha davvero colpito ascoltare queste melodie cantate da una voce tanto particolare, e in una lingua così lontana da noi. Questo insieme di elementi rende davvero affascinante la carica malinconica delle sue canzoni.

Da un articolo de "la Repubblica":
Una vita di stenti. "Sono stato a New York, sono stato a Los Angeles, ma mi mancava la mia isola"; "Sono nato cieco", canta Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, and via a series of litanies accompanied by guitar (just sometimes there is also a bass) on his life difficult by marginalized in society. Tell us what it means to be born in a small island off the north coast of Australia, and most have been blind since birth, tells the stories of creation as well as explains its people. The voice is beautiful and has a stamp all of its own, but unless you're looking for a suitable soundtrack to an incipient depression, the third ballad feel to turn everything off and rely on the return of the leader of the band's most famous rock ' Australia, Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, cha has stopped singing to go to politics, becoming Minister of Environment.

The success of diversity. Yet Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu has done a bang and not just because everyone has their own taste in music. Together with his previous band, the Yothu Yindi, Aboriginal singers was among the most popular, but nothing that would go beyond the boundaries of Australia. His songs have been broadcast by the BBC in Britain and the New York Times has dealt with him after his first solo album "Gurrumul" broke all records of songs downloaded from iTunes Australia. In early April, Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu has sung for the conclusion of the Song Summit in Sydney and at the end of the exhibition there were people who remain without crying (not from sadness, the emotion) and paid tribute ten minute standing ovation.
"My music comes from my people and the aboriginal people - said the singer - and the Aboriginal people have always had a very strong emotional reaction to music."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What Is A Good Length For An Arrow


In a country where the policy pays the information with the money of the citizens (almost one billion euro a year), where the law governing the national broadcasting system ( Gasparri law) is ordered by the European Union, there can be no freedom of information, there is no information . The public financing of newspapers is the medium blackmail politics to free information. How can we think that the Corriere della Sera, the biggest Italian newspaper, inform citizens about bad policy in a transparent way, if every year he received subsidies amounting to several million euro?
Every day in every interview, is a clear lack of an adversarial , each political party speaks for itself, they are all right and another wrong. The function of the journalist who takes the portions of the real no longer exists, no journalist denies a politician in the national guidelines.
Riotta, director of TG1, did not take up the defense of nationwide live Biagi when Berlusconi has denied the existence of the edict Bulgarian, and stated that the deceased journalist had gone to get a good redundancy. A director-mat as Riotta (but also all the others) would never dream of reporting the conflict of interest, judgments, laws ad personam of the new Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. This information doped interests uninhibited citizens about the real seriousness of these situations. Let's vote unaware of the differences between "prescription and absolution", "Immigration and Crime", "information and disinformation" and on many other issues that involve our sick society.
Tomorrow April 25, 2008 Beppe Grillo meet up the offer, in 450 Italian cities, the possibility to sign for three referendum : abolition of the Gasparri law condemned by the EU, the abolition of public funding to the newspapers, the abolition of the Journalists' (no western country has an order of journalists apart from ours). 500 thousand signatures are needed for each of the three points. The average is just over 1100 signatories to the city, you can do.
In Forlì banquet for the signatures will be via Andrea Dragoni 52 (opposite the park will be), you can sign from 9 am to 23. Nadia Masini The mayor has not made possible the collection of signatures in the Piazza Saffi, the city's main square. Not for the measurement of the Piazzetta, where the battle il primo V-DAY, è stata data la disponibilità.
Vorrei ringraziare il nostro sindaco Nadia Masini per l'ostruzionismo verso la libera informazione esibito in questa circostanza.
Nadia Masini VAFFANCULO!!!


Friday, April 18, 2008

How Can I Get My Mechanics License In Ontario?


Paolo Barnard è un giornalista free lance che nei primi anni del 2000 fece un'indagine scomoda, e attraverso il programma Report di Milena Gabbanelli, trasmise il frutto del suo lavoro. Il servizio è stato querelato dalla parte incriminata. Attraverso una clausola contrattuale, che all journalists are forced to sign if they want to work , RAI and Milena Gabbanelli turn their backs on Barnard. In this way all the responsibilities are downloaded to a journalist (employee) who has trusted its publisher, and now stands alone to face trial millionaire, who for obvious economic reasons can not support. The companies exert incredible pressure on the media, so cowed by information companies such as RAI, which must fall in actions worthy of the most miserable cowardice, but to save themselves from a potentially damaging trial. Barnard reported on the forum for his case report, a public forum property because of the RAI, and then state. The discussion forum was followed by others. Following the discussion was censored and banned from the forum participants. a public forum has censored and banned free citizens discussing uncomfortable topics. It 'clear that Barnard is also damaged in addition to the free information. This is a classic case of which should interest the anti-dissident, or as Grillo Travaglio, also the same Gabbanelli. But none of these denounces the "Indemnification ," nobody is talking about Paul Barnard, nobody sets out against abuse against the freedom of information. I am aware of these facts because Piero Ricca did a posting on his blog on this topic.
On the blog of Beppe Grillo are censored people trying to report the case "Paul Barnard, I myself have been criticized, because comments are not accepted in the arguments developed. The same
Beppe Grillo at a press conference says of "90% me you can trust." Clearly the case, "Paul Barnard" is included in the 10%.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Can I Put A Heated Mattress Pad On

WHEN AN ELECTION ends in tragedy - I BROUGHT

Berlusconi Italians have chosen to govern the country, for the third time the Knight Chair in salt, legitimizing his victory with millions of votes of the posting. E ' Berlusconi's Italy but is also Italy's Northern League party in Berlusconi's domination of much of the northern regions. The Democratic Party is incapable of competing with the PDL, all represented by the left Rainbow Left, Communist Workers' Party, Critical Left, the Socialist Party was swept away. The Italians have chosen those who adopted a hard line spitting out lies every day, defaming recklessly, proclaimed serial killer as a hero Mangano, threatening civil war, not to mention the interception of dell'Utri 50 thousand cards to change in favor the PDL. The Democratic Party has a major fault that it did not demolish the Berlusconi's team, no one really did, but suffice to say the Italians the truth. enough to talk with the requirements of the Knight, his registration to lodge P2, its laws to measure, the condemned and prescribed that the candidate (and almost all will go to Parliament), who was really Mangano, relations with Craxi , edict Bulgarian, 14 years of lies in politics, the huge conflict of interest, lack of credibility that gains abroad.
Italians are not guilty but are unaware. There is no one in Italy that can educate the average citizen on the enormous size of the seriousness of the facts. Monopoly televisivo e la complicità delle testate giornalistiche sono tutte a favore di questo Berlusconi, che in un altro Paese sarebbe smentito ad ogni intervista, o più probabilmente in galera da tempo. La vera grande sconfitta di queste elezioni è la libertà d’informazione italiana, ne esce vittoriosa l’omertà elettorale, nemmeno i nemici politici di Berlusconi si azzardano a dire la verità sul suo conto, a screditarlo c’è solo Antonio di Pietro (in queste elezioni ha raddoppiato l'elettorato), che dal suo blog mostra la tessera da piduista del “paladino delle libertà”.
Uniche note positive di queste elezioni sono, la larga maggioranza che mette sulle spalle del governo much of the responsibility, the elimination of small parties that allows for greater stability between the coalitions, and the birth of a third force in Parliament, which can be an alternative to large coalitions, even if the UDC is currently not inspires me great guarantees. Emilia-Romagna, my region, the coalition PD + IDV has emerged in the Senate (49.9%) and the House (49.4%), the coalition scored PDL LN + 36.5% to 36.3% in the House and Senate. In my province, Forlì-Cesena, the results were about the same, the Senate 49.1% for PD and 36.9% for IDV + + PDL LN, the House 49.5% and 36.5% PD + IDV PDL LN +. Let's say you live in a happy island, but unfortunately there is little to cheer about.
Today is granted only concern. What will tomorrow be addressed with clarity that I try to give everything I write, without blinkers or compromised.
Carry a list of the condemned and forfeited both coalitions, unlike the previous lists (candidates), these people will go to Parliament to legislate.

winning coalition PDL LN + + Mpa (16 Members senators +12 = 28)
Gianni Alemanno (EXAN):
in 1982 was affected eight months in prison for throwing a Molotov cocktail against the embassy of the Soviet Union . After serving the sentence requires, and gets the "criminal rehabilitation" and therefore no criminal record is clean. Member.
Silvio Berlusconi: 4 times Prescribed by the crime of false accounting, also prescribed by the judicial bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks (1.23 billion Craxi). Member.
Massimo Maria Berruti: sentenced to eight months in prison for aiding and abetting bribery in the case of the Guardia di Finanza. Prescribed by the crime of false accounting (if Lentini). Member.
Matthew Bragantini (LN): sentenced to 2 months for racist propaganda. Member.
Aldo Brancher: prescribed for funding illecito ai partiti. Deputato.
Matteo Brigandì(LN): arrestato e condannato a 2 anni di reclusione per truffa aggravata ai danni della Regione Piemonte. Camera dei deputati Marche numero 3 lista Lega Nord. Deputato.
Umberto Bossi(LN): condannato a 8 mesi per violazione della legge sul finanziamento pubblico ai partiti, condannato ad 1 anno e 4 mesi per vilipendio alla bandiera italiana. Prescritto dal reato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Deputato.
Roberto Calderoli(LN): prescritto dal reato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Senatore.
Giulio Camber: condannato a 8 mesi per millantato credito ricevette 100 milioni di lire da una banca per assicurarle appoggio politico e salvarla dalla bancarotta. Senatore.
Giampiero Carlo Cantoni: 2 anni (patteggiati) per corruzione e bancarotta fraudolenta. Senatore.
Davide Carlo Caparini(LN): prescritto per resistenza a pubblico ufficiale per i fatti di via Bellerio. Deputato.
Giampiero Catone: arrestato per associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla truffa aggravata, falso, false comunicazioni sociali e bancarotta fraudolenta pluriaggravata. Deputato.
Giuseppe Ciarrapico: può vantare condanne come sfruttamento del lavoro minorile, 4 anni e 6 mesi per bancarotta fraudolenta, 3 anni per ricettazione fallimentare, 1 anno e 8 mesi per truffa pluriaggravata, e una condanna con rito shortened to one year for false accounting and fraud. In all five convictions. Senator.
Marcello de Angelis (EXAN): sentenced to 5 years for an armed and subversive association (manager of the Third Position). Member.
Marcello Dell'Utri: 2 years for attempted extortion, 9 years for complicity with the Mafia, 2 years for tax fraud. Senator Renato Farina
: 6 months (negotiation) for aiding and abetting in the case seismic CIA. Member.
Vincent Fasano (EXAN): sentenced to 2 years for extortion for the survey on areas of Asi Battipaglia (Salerno). Pena pardon. Senator.
Joseph Firrarello: recently sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison for disturbance of the auction. Senator.
Gaspare Giudice: prescribed for simple bankruptcy. Member.
Maurizio Iapichino: arrested in 1995 and tried for false billing, false accounting, abuse of office, get the prescription. Member.
Giorgio La Malfa: sentenced to six months for illegal financing. Member.
Giancarlo Lehner: convicted of aggravated defamation. Member.
Roberto Maroni (LN): sentenced 4 years and 20 days for resisting a public officer. Member.
Domenico Nania (EXAN): conviction for voluntary personal injury during a demonstration student. Senator.
Anthony Pearson: prescribed for a case of bribes to public health. Senator.
Salvatore Sciascia: 2 years for corruption in the bribery scandal at the Tax Police. Senator.
Antonio Tomassini: sentence of 3 years for falsification of public document. Dr. Tomassini was deleted partogramma convicted of one of his patients, who gave birth to a baby destined to 19 years of vegetative life. Senator.
Carlo Vizzini: Enimont required in the bribery scandal. Senator.

Coalition loser PD + IDV (7 Members senators +2 = 9)

Emma Bonino 1975 arrestata per procurato aborto sconta il carcere, 1977 arrestata a Varsavia poiché manifestava contro il regime comunista, 1990 viene arrestata a New York per la distribuzione illegale di siringhe, in questa occasione manifestava contro la legge che impediva l’uso di siringhe ai tossicodipendenti senza prescrizione medica. Senatrice.
Enzo Carra: condannato a 1 anno e 4 mesi per false dichiarazioni nel caso delle tangenti Enimont. Deputato.
Pierluigi Castagnetti: prescitto per corruzione a causa di una tangente ricevuta tra il 1991 e il 1992. Deputato.
Massimo D’Alema: prescrizione per finanziamento illecito da parte di Francesco Cavallari (noto per la sua condanna per concorso esterno with the Mafia). Member.
Renzo Lusetti: former commissioner of the junta Rutelli in Rome, sentenced to pay a sum to the municipality of Rome around 400milioni lire for each other "golden advice." Member.
Leoluca Orlando: convicted of aggravated defamation. Member.
Antonio Papania: sentenced to 2 years 20 months and 20 days (negotiation) for abuse of office. Senator.
Andrea Rigoni: First Instance sentenced to 8 months for building permit violations. Member.
Francesco Rutelli: ordered to pay the municipality of Rome the sum of £ 301,674,228 for the case of the "golden advice." Senator.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Soul Silver Mac Desmume

I'll miss Tana ...

" On April 29 the new houses will be convened and will leave the post of parliament.
This message is therefore a greeting and thanks to the voters and to all people, in Italy and abroad, with whom I worked during these years. To me they were very intense years in which I learned a lot, inside and outside the halls of Parliament ... []
I thought and I think it would be a disaster to vote with the electoral system, not only for reasons of governability. So much so that I made a promise to myself I would never run again with the so-called "porcellum. I had dichiarto publicly, and should be speaking. But in the circumstances was an easy choice, accomplished, and I say this with regret, almost with relief, given the growing sense of alienation with which I watch the national political landscape ... []
Pending a political recomposition of which despair, but for which I'm afraid I'll have to wait a while ', my efforts will shift from civil society. I will continue the fight for freedom of information and the independence of public service, along with many others in the world of journalism and culture. "
from the site of MP Tana de Zulueta

With these words, the MEP (former Senator) Tana de Zulueta announced his farewell to Parliament. During the ritual leading Italians to vote, and votes define the new Parliament, I just remember who work for the Parliament will go away in silence, without due recognition. Tana is one of the few political figures, who in recent years have opposed the laws shame of the Berlusconi government, along with founding Nando by the Church Committee "The law is equal for everyone." A person's word, as in the House and Senato se trovano sempre meno, eppure lei se ne andrà e continueranno a rimanere i pregiudicati, i venduti, i falsi e le facce di bronzo. Nel 2006 tentò di proporre una legge per riformare il sistema televisivo italiano. La “politica che conta” preferì a questa proposta il decreto legge Gentiloni, che come tutti sanno, in due anni non ha ancora prodotto alcun risultato concreto. Il 31 gennaio 2008, una sentenza della Corte Europea di Giustizia ha riconosciuto a Europa7 il diritto di trasmettere sulle frequenze di Rete4, la magistratura italiana alla luce di questa sentenza dovrà multare lo Stato, per rimborsare Europa7 della mancata concessione delle frequenze legittimamente acquistate nel 1999. Gli esperti parlano di una multa di €300.000 al giorno con effetto retroattivo a partire da luglio 2006. Forse se la proposta di Tana fosse stata considerata, i cittadini italiani non avrebbero dovuto pagare un maxirisarcimento a Francesco di Stefano.
Così, dopo che per quasi 10 anni Berlusconi si è arricchito ABUSIVAMENTE con gli introiti pubblicitari di Rete4, e ha fatto propaganda "di parte" attraverso il TG4 di Emilio Fede, chi ci rimetterà saranno solo i contribuenti.
Spero sinceramente che la politica possa davvero migliorare, e permettere alle persone valide come Tana, di tornare a sedere in Parlamento senza la necessità di tapparsi il naso.

Guarda l'elenco dei condannati della coalizione PD+IDV
Guarda l'elenco convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver Rom Desmume

Dell'Utri discusses Electoral fraud

'Just pay a few insiders - say, turning to Dell''Utri, calling him by name -. The heads of the votes are filled both eyes when some of our will take care to retrieve all blank ballots and tick PDL with the symbol ". For all this there was a price: 200 000 €. The politician asked the recruiter blue but also guarantees the vote in Calabria Calabria. "No problem," he hastens to reiterate from Venezuela, Miccichè. And to establish a strategic alliance with Dell'Utri sent to Milan Antonio Piromalli .. [] Miccichè urges him to be convincing on the phone with Senator blue bringing to light all the power of the clan not only at provincial level, but throughout the region. The meeting took place in the study of Dell'Utri. Senator forzista remains enthusiastic about the interview so much so that the phone, then congratulated for having made known Miccichè two "good picciotti .

According investigation by the prosecution to Reggio Calabria on possible election fraud commissioned abroad spunta il nome del senatore di Forza Italia Marcello Dell'Utri . Dalle intercettazioni telefoniche il faccendiere-bancarottiere Aldo Miccichè, calabrese di Maropati, avrebbe affidato il compito di sostenere la lista Berlusconi alla cosca Piromalli di Gioia Tauro, il casato di 'ndrangheta più potente in Calabria . Miccichè, intanto, dal Venezuela dove si è rifugiato per sottrarsi alla condanna definitiva per bancarotta fraudolenta e millantato credito, avrebbe messo a disposizione del senatore di Forza Italia i suoi legami con il cartello di 'ndrangheta sudamericana per favorire il controllo del voto degli italiani all'estero, mobilitando i consoli onorari.
Corriere della Sera 12/04/2008

E 'with this investigation, which opens the prelude to the elections that see (oddly) favorite Silvio Berlusconi. Senator Marcello Dell'Utri, already sentenced for attempted extortion in the first degree (2 years) and for collusion with the Mafia (9 years), as well as the final sentence for tax fraud in Publitalia (2 years and 3 months), can be intercepted while discussing with Aldo Micciche, fixer 72enne. The two elderly gentlemen and respectable happily discuss of electoral fraud abroad and in Calabria. In a second call, Marcello Dell'Utri congratulates Aldo Micciche, satisfactory to the interview appena tenuto con Antonio Piromalli. Antonio Piromalli è il reggente della cosca mafiosa più potente in Calabria, suo padre è in carcere per mafia, suo cugino è stato radiato dall’ordine degli avvocati per una condanna per mafia . Lui invece si ritrova nello studio di un senatore della Repubblica PREGIUDICATO a discutere di “affari” riguardanti voti in Calabria.
Evidentemente il braccio destro del Cavaliere, non possiede la lealtà e la sincerità tanto ostentata dal suo padrone nelle ultime apparizioni televisive, purtroppo non sono qualità di cui può avvalersi ogni persona. Infatti in caso di vittoria del PDL, al presidente Berlusconi verrebbe however, given the government, despite these "glitches" in his party.
I therefore thank the policies of the past 15 years, which allowed people like Berlusconi and dell'Utri to continue to sit in Parliament. Special thanks also to the left of the various d'Alema, Bersani, Parisi, Fassino, Rutelli, Gentiloni, Bertinotti, Pannella, Prodi, Bonino, Amato, who in 15 years have never even thought to propose a law on conflict of interest, not have never dealt with commitment laws "ad personam" Berlusconi, have never discussed the applications of a law against offenders. This left now is reflected in the Democratic Party is the true vital source of Berlusconi, continue to live on the phobia that the voters have to Berlusconi, willingly accepting the lack of preferential voting, which are not discussed at all in the electoral program. E 'thanks to this pseudo left as we continue to be affected and dell'Utri "autoassolti" as Berlusconi.

Ps: the only party that speaks in its program of "Restoring the preferential voting" is Italy of Values.

Pps: Silvio Berlusconi in the video that omits Vittorio Mangano was sentenced to life imprisonment for double murder , and 5 years for drug trafficking and extortion .

See the explanation of vote by Marco Travaglio.

See list of convicted coalition PD + IDV
See list of convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gay Truth Or Dare Questions

Reasons percu vote IDV - What is not said enough

The publication of today will be an integral part of the last intervention " Reasons percu vote - What Grillo says. " In fact each of us needs to find a reason to do something and think about how to do it, as correctly as possible. So I, with the last trip, I gave reasons for voting, and today I convince you of the reasons I bought in to rate a list of Italy of Values. I will not vote
small parties (I would have liked it for the common good of dott.Montanari) not to disrespect, but because I continue to follow the line of consistency to combat the rise of the Berlusconi government. I am convinced that a vote for a party vote is not a little useful to this cause, in addition, each party that exceeds 1% of the electorate, entitled to receive € 1 for every vote received. This comes from a nice law passed in the general silence, and that represents a significant investment for some pseudo lists knowing that you have had no hope, just to make the lottery and maybe even win some prizes. IDV why I am voting coalition with the PD and PDL can compete against the more for other reasons now enumerate.
I want to clarify that the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty candidate as Prime Minister Walter Veltroni, but the votes that should not be acquired to increase the seats in the parliament of the Democratic Party, Veltroni is only for those votes and the candidate with the list " of Peter. "
from what I has already happened during the last government and then analyze what has been suggested during the election campaign.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhas distinguished itself as a party, and I was very impressed when he was the only one to refuse a full pardon. requirements, good conduct, pardon are means that serve to not only blow up the prison and get away with it in some cunning, man of politics. If you commit a crime you must pay. It's about time to begin to build prisons, because they are decades that are not built, and not continue to rely on these means depenalizzanti. Thus continuing the consequences will be still the same. More and more "miraculous" the streets (or Parliament) to do damage, and prison conditions more like torture. The way I see the IDV has done very well to vote against the pardon and Peter has done very well to get 20 million euro, the reduction of funding for political parties, and slather on the construction of new prisons. addition of Peter is the only one who spoke of 98MILIARDI € of dealerships that have slot machines to the state. It 'was the only one to fight against the limitation of wiretaps ordered by Mastella, the one against the state secrets case on seismic CIA ( Abu Omar), against the decriminalization of penalties for fraudulent bankruptcy. But how does a center-left government thinking of wanting to decriminalize the offense of fraudulent bankruptcy? And those who have to protect small investors? At least there's a Peter that he is not in the game.
When the treasurers of political parties began to re-open the public funding to parties treasurer IDV Silvana Mura opposed along with a few others, and this is another good point. Silvana Mura is nominated as a deputy in the elections even in my region, Emilia-Romagna. From
Minister, Peter has reported a lack of investment by Highways for a total of 2.5 billion euro, has asked to be deposited in a fund of the Ministry and asked for the interests of companies concessionarie. Ha vinto 4 cause intentate al Ministero delle Infrastrutture per la tentata fusione Abertis – Atlantia (exAutostrade). Ha STOPPATO gli aumenti delle tariffe autostradali. Ha destinato i fondi per il ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, all’area metropolitana di Palermo, Messina e Catania. I dipendenti della società Stretto di Messina sono stati trasferiti presso l’ANAS, sono rimasti 5 dipendenti e un amministratore (incarico assegnato al presidente dell’ANSA) a stipendio gratuito. Insomma questo Antonio di Pietro le ha fatte le sue cose buone, sicuramente qualcosa ha toppato, ma nessuno è perfetto e in rapporto a quello che è successo nella politica è l’unico di cui I can list many positive notes. I also want to recognize the great merit of having understood the philosophy and politics in the blog network. his excellent work on you tube, its electoral program discussed with the readers of the blog, the answers quite common to the demands of his mass in the online space. Truly an example to all other politicians in this field.
Now for the campaign and presenting lists dall'IDV.
The only one in this campaign reminds that Italy was condemned by the European Court of Justice, being taken out of the national frequency Rete4 forward and let Europa7, remains of Peter. About this affair, the Italian courts, ruling to be issued later this year for the compensation to the Italian state has to Francesco di Stefano holds Europa7. This money (OUR ) will be calculated using a formula retroactively from July 2006. The fine could be around the order of € 300,000 per day (198.3 million euro to date).
For nearly 10 years he's screwed Berlusconi's ruling of the Constitutional Court, making money abuses associated with the advertising of Rete 4, and now taxpayers will pay.
Former Telecommunications Minister Gasparri (who wrote the law to pay) said Rete4 risks nothing and will continue to broadcast.
easy, so we pay it? Gasparri FUCK you and your master!
The obvious conflict of interest can play tricks on me, but only speaks of Peter in policy matters and the various Fassino, Violante, d'Alema, Veltroni, Bonino, Gentiloni are all silent. In electoral program of IDV was included efforts to enforce the ruling and remove politics from RAI. point that I agree absolutely. Some other points of the program are shared review of legge30, tax breaks for the precarious, reintroduction of the crime of false accounting (decriminalized by Berlusconi himself and his fellow party members), the period of limitation after the trial, ineligibility of members of parliament with res judicata (final sentence), RETURN OF VOTING PREFERENCE, investment in renewable energy sources, IMMEDIATE RETURN OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND REQUIRED to serve their sentences TO YOU IF THEY WERE GUILTY OF CRIME. I believe that if the elections go well some of these ideas we will have to go to the Chambers. The only party that has offered to nominate Beppe Lumia and Nando Dalla Chiesa was IDV (Lumia was able to get into the PD and the Church has not reached an agreement and was out of the elections). Also
IDV presented a list of candidates of all respect, the most notorious one reads:

-Beppe Giulietti : president of the foundation for freedom of information Articolo21 .
-Pancho Pardi : professor of urban planning in Florence, girotondino assault.
-Leoluca Orlando : Professor of Public Law at Palermo, with extensive experience in antimafia, has also written many books on the subject.
Jean-Léonard Touadi : university professor in Rome (Gregorian) and Milan (Tor Vergata), journalist, television writer, former councilor alle politiche giovanili e alla sicurezza nel comune di Roma.
-Elio Lannutti : presidente dell’associazione consumatori Adusbef.
-La baronessa Teresa Cordopatri : anche lei impegnata nella lotta contro la ‘ndrangheta, si salvò da un’esecuzione dove il fratello rimase ucciso, perché si erano rifiutati di pagare il pizzo.
-Silvana Mura : imprenditrice nel settore moda e tesoriere del partito.

Candidature d’eccellenza in risposta a liste intrise di condannati o prescritti degli altri partiti più grandi
. Anche per questo è giusto dare la mia fiducia a IDV. Nessun altra lista worth more than my vote. I'm sure that if Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin this election will more political weight of the past years, there may be a hope of turning, everything depends on the outcome of the election.

See the explanation of vote by Marco Travaglio.

See list of convicted coalition PD + IDV
See list of convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Long Shoe Internal Brakes

Reasons percu vote - What Grillo says

The vote, which teaches us from childhood, is both a right and a duty. And 'the means by which people (presumably sovereign) to exercise his power, electing political representation. Vote is to elect those who represent us and who, is thought to help improve the country's progress and welfare of citizens.
vote means taking responsibility, is to participate, who abstains from voting is out of the game and "those who are outside, certainly can not stay inside."
Beppe Grillo wrote on his blog "the non vote is a vote. The non vote is the vote of the informed citizen."
Failure vote is not a vote, nor is it an act of protest, because no one listens to those who do not feel. And 'a protest useless, and Beppe knows, however, because millions of Italians go to vote, and is aware that most of its grillini if \u200b\u200bvoted, would vote center, probably IDV. If people who follow him do not go to vote, is cut a huge slice of the electorate to the center, and Beppe will make a great gift to the center-right Berlusconi. It 's a counter-maneuver whatever reasons. Not we can afford at all.
also cancel the cards or leave them white is nonsense, because this electoral law grants voting the number of cards of this type, the party that has achieved the most votes. This party could be the PD or the PDL (have gained to benefit from this award). We want games to see which party will have more votes and win the prize "cards canceled by grillini? I really do not risk it. Also one thing that pisses me off Beppe Grillo is the indifference with which he confronts a question of enormous importance. In the network you can find a procedure which describes the method to cancel the vote, without giving any party the reward of blank or void. I do not know how reliable this should discuss it as a Cricket che possiede il blog più visitato in Italia, non io che faccio 20 entrate al giorno.
Perché si limita a scrivere idiozie impregnate di superficialità, come la dichiarazione scritta sopra, e non discute questo argomento?
Il procedimento è il seguente: si va nel seggio, si presentano la tessera elettorale e i propri documenti, si fa vidimare la scheda elettorale, poi si dichiara il rifiuto della scheda per protesta e si richiede di verbalizzare questo atto. Nel caso in cui gli scrutatori impedissero questa manovra ci si può appellare al D.P.R. 30 marzo 1957, n. 361 - Art.104 - Par. 5 5 . Questa legge è valida, ma solo se il procedimento appena descritto rientra nelle operazioni elettorali previste dalla law (and I do not know), in this case belongs to the electoral office and anyone who opposes the execution of a transaction approved by the law, he risks imprisonment from 3 to 7 years plus a hefty fine.
I do not agree with any method just described turnout or boycott, because I believe in the Italian context, consistency must prevail over ideology. In Italy every day to witness a phenomenon, an anomaly that is not present in any other Western democracy, is called Berlusconi. A media monopoly, with hands-on every important deal, a huge conflict of interest, criminal records in quantities of Guinness, which is head of a "party company" formed by friends in business, former executives of his companies, relatives of employees (Diana de Feo wife of Emilio Fede in the first place), and his lawyers (Sheehan, Ghedini, Previti, etc.) in history occurred only in our country, and is still present. Indeed this "phenomenon" risk ending up head of government for the third time in less than 15 years. We must fight it and prevent it from happening. It can not be fought with the "campaign posters" Suddenly, you fight by voting against this crap that is likely to rise again in power.
The real protest could do it in the House, April 29, when they convened the new rooms, all set to call for an immediate riforma elettorale. Ma intanto andiamo a votare con questa legge, anche se fa schifo, anche se è incostituzionale. Perché non farlo NON è una protesta, e NON ti distingue come “cittadino informato”. E’ solo inutile.
Beppe Grillo VAFFANCULO anche a te!!!
Il 25 aprile non lo so se vengo a Torino, ho paura di avere dei rimorsi se cominci a sparare idiozie sul “non voto”.

ps: a questo intervento seguirà "Ragioni percui voto IDV- Quello che non si dice mai abbastanza" una specie di dichiarazione di voto, che ci terrei molto a pubblicare, per una serie di motivazioni legate all'autoconvinzione.

Guarda l'elenco dei condannati della coalizione PD + IDV
See list of convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pokemondeluge Legendary Guide

Quattrogatti LSE

Thanks to my friend oven are in possession of a very interesting document. The written agreement with Power Point was prepared by a group of master's degree in economics who call themselves "quattrogattiLSE", and wanted to inform the Italian people on the economic campaign last Prodi government. This Power Point presentation surf the net, but I discovered today that there is also a video. I looked sia la parte scritta su slide che il video, ho cercato di capire, e sono giunto alla conclusione che è attendibile (almeno per me che sono un pagano dell’economia).
Il documento testimonia che durante il governo di centrodestra, il signor Tremonti ha curato davvero poco la rogna del debito pubblico, infatti il parametro fondamentale per estinguere il debito, il cosiddetto “Avanzo Primario” si è ridotto a livelli bassissimi decrescendo per tutto il decorso della legislatura. L’avanzo Primario decresce perché sono state fatte delle spese, queste spese sono curate dal Governo, evidentemente questi investimenti sono stati mal gestiti. Infatti non mi stupisce che il Paese si sia trovato alle soglie del 2006 con più of 1500 billion euro debt.
What do I need to pay less taxes then if my son will have to pay more to rehabilitate the debt and interest rates rising? taxes are paid to improve the future life and the common welfare, no use it to pay less to make nice on TV, because the interest increases with the debt. If today I have 70 of 1600 of debt and interest, tomorrow I will have debt of 1670 and 80 of interest, is cyclical, increasing each year. The public debt must be restored as soon as possible, without compromising the dignity of life of Italians. And 'they want to invest here in the "Great Works" and spend 4 BILLION the Strait of Messina Bridge .
Tremonti FUCK you, your master and the whole party company!

Document Power Point you can find it here


See list of convicted coalition PD + IDV
See list of convicted of the Northern League coalition PDL + + Mpa


Monday, April 7, 2008

Best Finance Calculator


E 'request was a list of the condemned and forfeited coalition PD + IDV for the respect that is due to the level playing field. Before presenting the list would keep us to make some clarifications. The only convicted in Italy of Values \u200b\u200blist is Leoluca Orlando, for the crime of aggravated defamation, the sentence has been served with the compensation of a few thousand euro. The facts date back to 1999 when the then mayor of Sciacca Ignazio Messina, politically near Orlando, was disheartened by the municipal council and fell from office. According to prosecutors, durante un comizio in piazza, tenutosi successivamente alla mozione di sfiducia a Messina, Orlando avrebbe offeso l'onore e la reputazione dei 21 consiglieri sfiducianti, accusandoli apertamente di intrattenere rapporti con appartenenti alle cosche mafiose e di avere adottato le proprie risoluzioni politiche contro l'allora sindaco di Sciacca al solo fine di favorire interessi economici della criminalità organizzata.
Sono dell’idea che i condannati per reati d’opinione abbiano comunque totale diritto alla candidatura poiché non è detto che le affermazioni diffamatorie siano false, semplicemente non ci sono prove sufficienti a confermarle. Inoltre Leoluca Orlando è noto per la sua campagna antimafia e per i numerosi libri scritti sulla criminalità organizzata. Perciò per quanto mi riguarda riporto nell'elenco il nome di Leoluca Orlando solo per il dovere che si deve ad un’informazione corretta.
Il Partito Democratico e l'Italia dei Valori concorrono solidalmente per eleggere premier Walter Veltroni, ma il numero di voti sarà diviso, stabilendo quanti posti ci saranno in parlamento per i rispettivi partiti.
Questo è l’elenco di coloro che sono stati condannati o prescritti e che sono candidati nelle liste PD o IDV per le elezioni del 13 e 14 Aprile 2008.

Romolo Benvenuto : condanna al risarcimento per percosse all’ex moglie. Camera Members of Liguria number 9.
Emma Bonino : 1975 arrested for procured abortion discounts the jail, arrested in Warsaw since 1977 demonstrating against the communist regime, 1990 was arrested in New York for the illegal distribution of syringes, this time demonstrating against the law that prevented ' use of syringes to drug addicts without a prescription. Senate Piedmont # 1.
Enzo Carra : sentenced to 1 year and 4 months for making false statements in the case of bribes Enimont. Chamber of Deputies Sicilia1 number 7.
Pierluigi Castagnetti : prescitto for corruption due to a wild tangent received between 1991 and 1992. Chamber of Deputies Emilia - Romagna number 4.
Luigi Cocilovo : unique case of this list. Acquitted of corruption (the new law took place) despite the briber has been convicted. The ruling read about Cocilovo "collector of bribes .. willing to grant favors union," but the law of "fair trial" acquitted him. Chamber of Deputies Sicilia1 number 10.
Francesco Cusumano : dall'UDEUR recently condemned for treason has scontantata worth making spit Senator Barbato (who is now past inMpa). Prescribed in his trial for rigged contracts. Senate Sicily number 10. Massimo D'Alema
: prescription for illegal financing by Francesco Cavallari (known per la sua condanna per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa). Capolista per la Camera dei Deputati nelle circoscrizioni di Campania1 e Puglia.
Renzo Lusetti : ex assessore della giunta Rutelli a Roma, condannato a risarcire al comune di Roma una somma intorno ai 400milioni di lire per la vicenda "consulenze d'oro". Camera dei Deputati Lombardia2 numero 8.
Leoluca Orlando : condannato per diffamazione aggravata. Candidato per la Camera dei Deputati con l’Italia dei Valori capolista per le circoscrizioni Sicilia1 e Sicilia2, circoscrizione Trentino-Alto Adige e Umbria candidato numero 2.
Antonio Papania : condannato a 2 anni 20 mesi e 20 giorni (patteggiati) per abuso office. Senate Sicily number 3.
Andrea Rigoni: sentenced in first instance to 8 months for building permit violations. Chamber of Deputies Tuscany number 13.
Francesco Rutelli
: Sentenced to compensate the municipality of Rome the sum of £ 301,674,228 for the case of the "golden advice." Senate Umbria number 1. 9/4/2008
updated with blog document Travaglio

These people will sit in the chairs of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, will have legislative power, and the Italian people will have to follow laws that these people will approve. An outlaw can not decide for us , they are the ones out of the scheme, not sending in parliament. See also the list of prescribed and condemned the coalition PDL + LegaNord published HERE.

ps: I would point out that the requirement for criminal wrong, acknowledges his guilt but does not intervene by implementing the penalty because it's been too long on how the crime was committed. The prescription is NOT at all equal to the acquittal . Often these mistakes fall flat major newspapers and national news, do not be fooled.

pps: if you have a blog copy this list and spread . People need to know why should have the right to act informed of the facts.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Humpty Dumpty Potato Chips Buy On-line


"The parliament is the legislative body of the state, which is a complex organ, consisting essentially of one or more corporate bodies of type 'Meeting (room), which are principally, although not unique, it is passing laws. "

What would make people sit in parliament, where they pass laws that all must respect, persons convicted by the law itself?
Probably a nation of slaves or of ignorant people.
I'm tired to be ignorant, and I want to know who these people are and in which party candidates are, because I do not want more people will vote for in parliament offenders . In the last Parliament was condemned in Parliament 24 (and then you Previti resigned). These "ladies" or "senators" may perhaps represent prisoners and other offenders, but not the honest people, and most the Italians and uncensored .
Going to check the shameful electoral landscape is offered to the public, surely the most dismal gathering of prisoners can be found in the coalition LegaNord + PDL + MPA (Movement for Autonomy), Silvio Berlusconi, which supports the candidacy of the first minister. Through this publication I want to present the most advanced example of this perverse game of "dirty applications. This is a list of those who have been convicted or prescribed and which are candidates in the lists PDL, or LegaNord South Range (MPa) for the elections of 13 and 14 April 2008.

Gianni Alemanno (EXAN) in 1982 was affected eight months in prison for throwing a Molotov cocktail against the embassy of the Soviet Union. After serving the sentence requires, and gets the "criminal rehabilitation" and therefore no criminal record is clean. E 'number 3 in the candidate list for the Chamber of Deputies of the district Lazio1.
Silvio Berlusconi : Required 4 times the crime of false accounting, also prescribed by the judicial bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks (1.23 billion Craxi). Candidate slate for the Chamber of Deputies in all the wards in Italian.
Massimo Maria Berruti : sentenced to 8 months in prison for aiding and abetting in the case of bribes to the Guardia di Finanza. Prescribed by the crime of false accounting (if Lentini). Chamber of Deputies Lombardia2 number 15.
Umberto Bossi (LN) : sentenced to eight months for violating the law on public financing of political parties, was sentenced to 1 year and 4 months for contempt of the Italian flag. Prescribed by the offense of resisting a public officer. Candidate slate for the Chamber of Deputies in all the districts in which contributes to the Northern League.
Matthew Bragantini (LN): sentenced to 2 months for racist propaganda. Chamber of Deputies Veneto1 number 3 list the Northern League.
Aldo Brancher : prescribed for illegal financing of political parties. Chamber of Deputies Veneto1 number 5.
Matteo Brigandì(LN): arrestato e condannato a 2 anni di reclusione per truffa aggravata ai danni della Regione Piemonte. Camera dei deputati Marche numero 3 lista Lega Nord.
Roberto Calderoli(LN) : prescritto dal reato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. Candidato capolista per il Senato della Repubblica nelle circoscrizioni Piemonte, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Marche.
Giulio Camber : condannato a 8 mesi per millantato credito ricevette 100 milioni di lire da una banca per assicurarle appoggio politico e salvarla dalla bancarotta. Capolista per il Senato in Friuli - Venezia Giulia.
Giampiero Carlo Cantoni : 2 anni (patteggiati) per corruzione and fraudulent bankruptcy. E 'number 6 in the candidate list for the Senate district of Lombardy.
Caparini David Charles (LN) : prescribed for resisting a public official for the acts of street Belleri. Chamber of Deputies Lombardia2 number 4 on the Northern League.
Giampiero Catone arrested for conspiracy to the serious fraud, forgery, fraudulent bankruptcy and false company aggravated. Chamber of Deputies Campania1 number 9.
Joseph Ciarrapico : convictions can boast as child labor, 4 years and 6 months for fraudulent bankruptcy, bankruptcy three years for receiving stolen property, 1 year and 8 months for aggravated fraud, and a conviction expedited to 1 year for false accounting and fraud. In all five convictions. E 'number 11 to the candidate list for the Senate district of Lazio.
Marcello de Angelis (EXAN) : Sentenced to five years for armed gang and subversive association (manager of the Third Position). Chamber of Deputies numero7 Abruzzo.
Antonio del Pennino : two convictions for illegal financing, the first two months (and negotiation), the other at 1 year and 8 months. Senate Lombardia number 22.
Marcello Dell'Utri : 2 years for attempted extortion, 9 years for complicity with the Mafia, 2 years for tax fraud. E 'candidate number 7 in the list for the Senate district of Lombardy.
Luigi Fabbri : Sentenced to four months for abuse of office. Chamber of Deputies Lombardia2 numero18.
Renato Farina : 6 months (negotiation) for aiding and abetting in the case seismic CIA. Chamber of Deputies Lombardia2 number 17.
Vincent Fasano (EXAN) : sentenced to 2 years for extortion for the survey on areas of Asi Battipaglia (Salerno). Pena pardon. Senate numero18 Campania.
Joseph Firrarello : recently sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison for rigging auction is a candidate list for the number 4 in the Senate district of Sicily.
Antonio Franco Girfatti (Mpa) : Arrested and sentenced at first instance twice for the first and the second for three embezzlement counts (conspiracy, false accounting, bankruptcy). Second sentence of 5 years for fraudulent bankruptcy. Senate Campania list number 3 South Range
Gaspare Giudice : prescribed for simple bankruptcy. Chamber of Deputies Sicilia2 number 11.
Maurizio Iapichino arrested in 1995 and tried for false billing, false accounting, abuse of office, get the prescription. Chamber of Deputies Campania1 number 15.
Giorgio La Malfa : Sentenced to six months for illegal financing. Chamber of Deputies Marche number 3.
Giancarlo Lehner : convicted of aggravated defamation. Chamber of Deputies Campania2 number 6.
Mario Malone : sentenced to 1 year for receiving stolen goods. Chamber of Deputies Trentino-Alto Adige number 6.
Roberto Maroni (LN) : sentenced 4 years and 20 days for resisting a public officer. Northern League candidate in the constituency in the House of Representatives Lombardia2 to Number 2.
Angiolino Mastrullo arrested in 1980 for the supply of meat scandal at USL from Piedmont, also arrested in 1995 for corruption and forgery in bribes, has bargained his sentence. Chamber of Deputies Piemonte1 number 12.
Domenico Nania (EXAN) : conviction for voluntary personal injury during a student demonstration. Senate Sicily number 2.
Anthony Pearson : prescribed for a case of bribes to public health. Senate Campania number 15.
Salvatore Sciascia : 2 years for corruption in the bribery scandal at the Tax Police. Senate Lombardia number 16.
Vincenzo Scotti (Mpa) : Procurement prescribed for post-earthquake investigation, Sisde prescribed in the scandal, condemned by the Court of Accounts for financial compensation for the latter offense to almost 3 million euro. Senate leaders in Campania, number 4 in Sicily, South Range list
Antonio Tomassini : condemnation 3 years for false instrument. Dr. Tomassini was deleted partogramma convicted of one of his patients, who gave birth to a baby destined to 19 years of vegetative life. Senate Lombardia number 12.
Carlo Vizzini : Enimont required in the bribery scandal. Senate Sicily number 3.
updated 9/4/2008 with document Travaglio blog

The list may have omissions or regarding the names, both with regard to the convictions or the requirements. Are welcome news in this regard to complete the list.

These people will sit in the chairs of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, will have legislative power, and the Italian people will have to follow laws that these people will approve. An outlaw can not decide for us , they are the ones outside the scheme, not sending in parliament. See also the list of prescribed and condemned the coalition PD + IDV published HERE.

ps: I would point out that the requirement for criminal wrong, acknowledges his guilt but does not intervene by implementing the penalty because it's been too long on how the crime was committed. The prescription is NOT at all equal acquittal. Often these mistakes fall even large newspapers and national news, do not be fooled.

pps: if you have a blog copy this list and spread . People need to know why should have the right to act informed of the facts.


Friday, April 4, 2008

Mothers Impregnated By Theirsons



" Rate Pd means a series of negative things like having Minister Antonio Di Pietro della Giustizia". Silvio Berlusconi, arrivando a un incontro organizzato dalla Confapi, punta il dito contro l'ex pm e leader dell'Italia dei valori che, avverte, in caso di vittoria del Pd sarebbe il nuovo guardasigilli. Poi il Cavaliere elenca un'altra serie di effetti negativi: "Votare Pd vuol dire continuare col sistema delle intercettazioni, che viola la nostra privacy; vuol dire che non si abbatteranno i costi della politica, poiché sappiamo come Veltroni e Di Pietro si sono già comportati; e vuol dire che non costruiranno il ponte sullo Stretto "
Venerdì 4 aprile 2008 ore 11.52

Tra le migliaia di cose negative che esistono al mondo, quale sarebbe secondo voi la most abhorrent and terrible that it can disrupt our country? The candidate
Prime Minister Berlusconi, choosing from a wide range, used as an example the possibility of having nefarious Antonio di Pietro as Minister of Justice.
to Italian medium could be a doubt. But we had Mastella Keeper for 245 days .. What could be worse?
In fact the words of the Parliamentary Italy's richest should always be placed in context. That is where what is right, it is right for him, or for those who have served us well.
fact a minister of justice "to Berlusca" should be a good-natured character, without pearl head crickets, open to dialogue and above all to compromise. Would propose another amnesty laws and maybe keep alive the "ad personam" hard to get in 5 years of hard work to the government. It would indeed be a minister if he could slap a little polish 'the statute of limitations for some crimes for which defendants friends and colleagues. But
Antonio di Pietro was never a minister "to Berlusca" for the simple fact that it was a magistrate, who opened and conducted the investigation "Clean Hands", which has sent many corrupt politicians in jail, and has already plan to eliminate the shameful laws on false accounting. It would also be very risky if it could also speed up of justice, because his friend Marcello and others still have some pending sentence. Silvio true?! But let
of Peter, so they do not want Keeper even those of PD, it certainly will not have to worry about it. Let's talk about
interceptions. The system of wiretapping "violates our privacy." Sorry but the privacy of those? Clearly, the nano 71enne meant his privacy and that of the bankrupt entrepreneurs, politicians or crafty, or the Mafia, not sure my because I have nothing to hide. And privacy is violated if the interception end in the newspapers, not because the interception was made, it would be like saying that the disease is the analysis because they were made. As for the wiretapping "political", I consider myself in favor of the issue, because in addition to giving my vote, I would like also to give my opinion on some obscure events involving our representatives. I would also like to recall that half interception is still of great importance in the investigation and to date has contributed greatly in the investigation of the most shameful scandals in the history of the Republic. Some examples are & Parmalat Cirio, Tangentopoli, the scandal Unipol-BNL-Antonveneta, the case of bribes to guards Finance (among the suspects strangely friend FININVEST) Moggiopoli, etc. Vallettopoli. Perhaps
Silvio has been annoyed by some episodes in his career, was the protagonist of interceptions ( intercett1 , intercett2 , intercett3 ), but you're not a kid anymore, you can not have everything you want , at 71 you have to import limits. I would begin retiring in an exotic location with my money, my children billionaires, my companions complacent and my various prescriptions and amnesties that, it seems, but really take a lot of company. Change the subject. We talk about the bridge, one with a capital letter means. The bridge over the Strait of Messina is one of the "great works" promised by Berlusconi's Italy. I do not agree on the construction for a few reasons that I want to list. The first reason is a natural geological'm no expert but I would say, in fact the island of Sicily moves north each year a quantity of the order of 0.5 to 1 cm, and the project is now under contract no takes into account these changes. So it would build a bridge for a dramatic end. Another reason very natural for us Italians, the money is. In fact, the consortium of companies that won the contract for the construction of the bridge (Impregilo) asks almost 4 billion €. In a country like ours, where public debt has become 1629700000000 of € 70 billion with annual interest of € , I would think to reduce this chasm of debt before starting to build pharaonic works unnecessary. In addition, the bridge project is already the subject of two investigations by the prosecution: one for the environmental impact on land, matters on which the European Union has already expressed by starting an infringement procedure in 2005 (therefore against the Berlusconi government), for have not provided adequate information as the study presented by the government "has not been done properly."
The other investigation involved the interception of telephone economist Pelanda Carlo and Paolo Savona, then president of Impregilo, which announced its victory Impregilo, which has taken place and that a bookmaker Sicilian expert in betting on tenders, giving favored for some time. The beautiful bridge over the Strait is so short-lived, expensive, subject to investigations and not worth the cost. In fact, the exchange of goods between Sicily and the peninsula would be affected by limited crossings through the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway which would tie . Part of it is impounded for investigation and completion is expected entro il 2010, salvo imprevisti.
Insomma oggi il leader del PDL con una sola dichiarazione mi ha dato modo di dare sfogo alla repressione che mi tormentava da un po’ di tempo. Grazie Silvio.
A breve vorrei pubblicare l’elenco dei pregiudicati e prescritti che Berlusconi ha candidato nelle sue liste per le prossime elezioni, nel frattempo ricordiamo i suoi precedenti giudiziari, perché è sempre bello farlo. Prima di incominciare con il variegato elenco vorrei ricordare che la prescrizione, per reati di tipo penale, riconosce la colpevolezza ma non interviene attuando la pena perché è passato troppo tempo da quanto è stato commesso il reato (insomma una cagata). La prescrizione NON è affatto equal absolution. Often these mistakes fall flat major newspapers and national news, do not be fooled.

Silvio Berlusconi has been prescribed for

Lodo Mondadori, judicial corruption (with extenuating circumstances, that is justified by the court because the law does not explicitly stated)
All Iberian, 1.23 billion lire to Craxi (New Act made)
case Lentini, false accounting (new Act made)
Sme-Ariosto2 , false accounting (new law on accounting fraud occurred)
Financial Fininvest, false accounting e appropriazione indebita (nuova legge sul falso in bilancio intervenuta)
Consolidato Fininvest , falso in bilancio (nuova legge sul falso in bilancio intervenuta)

Reati estinti per intervenuta amnistia

Falsa testimonianza P2
Terreni Macherio , imputazione per uno dei due falsi in bilancio
