Monday, October 15, 2007

Pokemon Heart Gold For Nds

Football must go back to being a sports

ROMA, 15 ottobre 2007 - Fifa in lotta contro YouTube. Non è ancora un problema in Europa, perchè le qualificazioni per i Mondiali di Sud Africa 2010 non sono ancora cominciate (il sorteggio dei gironi è in programma a Durban il 25 novembre), ma in Sudamerica è già iniziata la nuova "crociata" della federazione calcistica mondiale, che vuole impedire l'accesso negli stadi, per le partite sotto la sua egida, a videocamere ed altri strumenti con cui gli spettatori possono effettuare riprese filmed from the stands. All this to curb the spread of audio-visual unauthorized (which you do not pay fees) on YouTube or other means of distribution.
searches at BOGOTA ' - The effects of this decision have been seen at the El Campin stadium in Bogota, where last night they faced Colombia and Brazil for the first day of the South American qualifying group. According to reports from the most popular Brazilian newspaper, A Folha de Sao Paulo, to set up the first points of filtering of the inputs to all the spectators were asked if they had a camera with him: if so, the object was confiscated. There have also been searching, and for this reason the gates plant would be formed long queues. There were people who managed to introduce a still camera, but when you take it out and put in operation immediately was "accosted" by the stewards and private security services (the Brazilian newspaper defines them as "very aggressive"), which seized the object.
handset as weapons - Everything, according to Fifa, including for those who had bought the rights to this game, or the Colombian broadcaster Caracol. The introduction of cameras inside the stadium has been banned (and soon the measure could be extended to camera phones, always match the "name plate" Fifa) like that of firearms and alcoholic beverages. In Bogota was also denied entry to pregnant women and unaccompanied minors. 39 touts arrested immediately loaded onto a mobile police stationed nearby.
Gazzetta dello Sport 15/10/2007

The only way to bring down the machine's business of football has three simple steps, every person in love with the sport should consider:
1) Fasting total purchase of official shirts, signed balls, figurines, statues and various gadgets.
2) Request a written statement through the 'elimination of its contract Sky, Mediaset Premium, LA7 so unless the licensee does not strive in urging FIFA to remove these totalitarian attitude. We want to make sure no PRISONS stages.
3) For each batch picket stage, without entering, presenting the grounds for the protest on every point.

These are the only weapons we have to remove the mud that supports the sport we love. We must use them, and quickly.


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