Friday, October 19, 2007

Gpsphone Walkthrough Walls


Review the information in all its nuance is a primary need of every totalitarian regime. Nazism, Stalinism and fascism made use of strict rules, which censored all information contrary to the "criteria of goodness" took power. So far the media have sold to the power and the only means of dispute has been the Internet. But if technology has given us the web, the policy is ready to remove it. The same majority, which means Gentiloni has proposed to reduce the digital divide, is preparing now to cut the network, destroying the nuclei that collect information and debate, that is, blogs and personal spaces on the Internet. The bill, Levi-Prodi called , was approved by the cabinet on October 12, and will shortly be presented to parliament for the likelihood of making a final law. Among the general aims of the bill is "the protection and promotion of
principle of pluralism of information held by ' Article 21 of the Constitution
and understood as the right to freedom of information and
be informed. "
But behind these fine words hides a real catch. Article
.2 of Levi-Prodi introduced the concept of "editorial product" as:
" any product bearing aim of information, training, dissemination, entertainment, it for publication, whatever the form in which it is achieved and the means by which it may disseminate .
Article .5 defines any publishing activities "directed at the development and distribution of publishing products."
From these two articles have already figured that anyone who writes a blog, as I am doing at this moment, engaged editorial.
L ' article 6 requires the registration to the ROC (Registry of Professional Communication) to anyone who exercises editorial work, pay taxes, this makes even if the activity is not publishing for profit. So if Levi-Prodi law was running at this time, to write these things should I register my blog a publishing company , appoint a director of my web space, which must actually be enrolled at of journalists, and pay a fee editorial. Who will explain the 15 year old with the blog on MSN to publish pictures of his vacation at sea must pay a stamp??
But there's more!
Article .7 shows that anyone writes on the Internet is subject to the rules governing the press offenses or better is considered responsible for one who has to authorize the publication of information ", that is my chief. Basically they are equivalent to the national newspapers to blog on the Internet from 3 visits a day. If I write on my blog where my mom is reading , my dad and my fellow faculty, "Ricardo Franco Levi is the shame of Italy and it sucks", with this law could incur heavy quarrels rather than in the criminal law.
This law was hidden behind an article the Constitution, which has nothing to do with this bureaucratization of free expression, so you want to delete the most democratic and free us both in this country. The truth is that Prodi is not a prime minister, but the waiter interests who see the Internet the greatest threat to their survival.
E 'gag rule to which all must submit, as history teaches, but in 2007 we are still willing to be repetitive?
I think at this point have been only two ways to go, resignation and the consequent recognition that we are slaves of a totalitarian system, or march on Rome, to request a loud voice in the House, the abolition of this abortion legislation, and the restoration of Article 21 (written in 1947), so that it can also include the protection of freedom di critica su internet. Credo che una Costituzione moderna abbia l'obbligo di contenere questo tema.


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