Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Gps Phone Walkthrough Walls
Enzo Biagi è morto questa mattina. Una vita intera dedicata al giornalismo, quello vero, senza mai prescindere dalle proprie idee, ci lascia come un eroe della libera informazione . Oggi anche chi l'ha ostacolato nella carriera sarà nelle front pages of the "false papers" to commemorate him. Obituaries are just hypocrites. Enzo Biagi
I will always remember as an old journalist who does not hide in front of anyone, always head high, even in defeat. I will remember how in this video of 2002, the last episode of "The Fact of Enzo Biagi," sent just before the RAI to send them because of 'Bulgarian edict.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Jessica First Time Audition
E 'was only Matthew
Salvatore Lo Piccolo was arrested today in un appartamento del Palermitano dopo una latitanza di 25 anni. Il boss indiscusso di Palermo è stato arrestato insieme al figlio Sandro, e due suoi collaboratori, Gaspare Pulizzi e Andrea Adamo. Con un solo blitz la squadra speciale "Catturandi" di Palermo è riuscita a mettere in manette uno dei più accreditati eredi di Bernardo Provenzano .
L'entusiasmo avvolge l'intero Corpo di Polizia, e sono molte le cariche dello Stato che elogiano il lavoro svolto, tra tutte può sembrare stonata solo la voce di Totò Cuffaro .
" Un plauso alla polizia di stato ed in particolare agli uomini della squadra Catturandi della Squadra Mobile di Palermo. L'arresto dei boss Salvatore e Sandro Lo Piccolo e di Andrea Adamo e Gaspare Pulizzi, scovati durante un summit di mafia in un comune alle porte di Palermo, è un successo di cui tutti i siciliani sono fieri ed orgogliosi. "
Corriere della Sera 05/11/2007
Perchè Salvatore Cuffarò, che non ha mai aperto bocca sulla cattura di Provenzano nel 2006 , esalta l'arresto dei Lo Piccolo?
Le trame coinvolte sono molto insidiose, ma forse la cattura dei Lo Piccolo può significare che il trono vacante di Provenzano è stato vinto da Matteo Messina Denaro , e probabilmente stanno uscendo dai giochi i perdenti. Totò Cuffaro è considerato da tempo l'esponente politico di Cosa Nostra nel territorio Sicilian is a character known to risk, both in the civilian world (most recently on the charges the prosecutor who investigates a Cuffaro for aiding and abetting aggravated the mafia has requested a sentence of eight years' imprisonment) than in the mafia. His words always have a weight and a different flavor, interpreting them is a hard task, but probably from his statements it is possible to understand how to delineate the roles in the complex world of the triad-mafia-political entrepreneurship.
Salvatore Lo Piccolo was arrested, be tried for his crimes and now some movement on the streets of mafia-less, but perhaps he was already out of contention.
Salvatore Lo Piccolo was arrested today in un appartamento del Palermitano dopo una latitanza di 25 anni. Il boss indiscusso di Palermo è stato arrestato insieme al figlio Sandro, e due suoi collaboratori, Gaspare Pulizzi e Andrea Adamo. Con un solo blitz la squadra speciale "Catturandi" di Palermo è riuscita a mettere in manette uno dei più accreditati eredi di Bernardo Provenzano .
L'entusiasmo avvolge l'intero Corpo di Polizia, e sono molte le cariche dello Stato che elogiano il lavoro svolto, tra tutte può sembrare stonata solo la voce di Totò Cuffaro .
" Un plauso alla polizia di stato ed in particolare agli uomini della squadra Catturandi della Squadra Mobile di Palermo. L'arresto dei boss Salvatore e Sandro Lo Piccolo e di Andrea Adamo e Gaspare Pulizzi, scovati durante un summit di mafia in un comune alle porte di Palermo, è un successo di cui tutti i siciliani sono fieri ed orgogliosi. "
Corriere della Sera 05/11/2007
Perchè Salvatore Cuffarò, che non ha mai aperto bocca sulla cattura di Provenzano nel 2006 , esalta l'arresto dei Lo Piccolo?
Le trame coinvolte sono molto insidiose, ma forse la cattura dei Lo Piccolo può significare che il trono vacante di Provenzano è stato vinto da Matteo Messina Denaro , e probabilmente stanno uscendo dai giochi i perdenti. Totò Cuffaro è considerato da tempo l'esponente politico di Cosa Nostra nel territorio Sicilian is a character known to risk, both in the civilian world (most recently on the charges the prosecutor who investigates a Cuffaro for aiding and abetting aggravated the mafia has requested a sentence of eight years' imprisonment) than in the mafia. His words always have a weight and a different flavor, interpreting them is a hard task, but probably from his statements it is possible to understand how to delineate the roles in the complex world of the triad-mafia-political entrepreneurship.
Salvatore Lo Piccolo was arrested, be tried for his crimes and now some movement on the streets of mafia-less, but perhaps he was already out of contention.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
How We Can Prevent Lipoma
The accounts of the V-Day
Dopo un mese e 17 giorni dall'evento V-day, e dopo diverse sollecitazioni , Beppe Grillo comunica i risultati delle donazioni pervenute sul suo conto corrente per appoggiare le spese organizzative della manifestazione.
Un ritardo simile da parte di un ragioniere era inaspettato, però come si dice "meglio tardi che mai". Valutando le donazioni dichiarate, sono rimasto sorpreso, perchè in verità mi aspettavo una cifra molto più elevata. Alla vigilia del V-day erano stati preventivati 40.000 euro per le varie spese della manifestazione a Bologna, ed era in sostanza la cifra che Beppe chiedeva di coprire attraverso le donazioni. Alla luce dei fatti si delineano due ipotesi , o i sostenitori economici del V-day sono stati pochi, e molto abili nell'accordarsi tra loro per raggiungere la cifra senza superarla di troppo, oppure i sostenitori sono stati tanti e poco generosi, in ogni caso stupisce la vicinanza tra i soldi richiesti (€40.000) e quelli ottenuti (€42.005,27) . A dir la verità esiste anche un'altra ipotesi. I soldi che Beppe dichiara non sono quelli realmente percepiti. L'idea non mi piace e preferirei abbandonarla sin da ora lasciando il dubbio al lettore.
Mi permetto di criticare la mancanza di una trasparenza "assoluta" in questa circostanza, e mi sento a bit 'disappointed, because this gap leaves room for some doubt.
For the next gift that you'd rather find an alternative solution to the collection and management of funds. I think many people would be happy to pay bank fees for transfer, and for me, really appreciate it to see the progress of the collection in real time, or at least as quickly as possible.
The difference between the expenses incurred and donations amounted to € 87,631.43, Beppe Grillo, or so I thank those who helped him through this hole to cover.
Dopo un mese e 17 giorni dall'evento V-day, e dopo diverse sollecitazioni , Beppe Grillo comunica i risultati delle donazioni pervenute sul suo conto corrente per appoggiare le spese organizzative della manifestazione.
Un ritardo simile da parte di un ragioniere era inaspettato, però come si dice "meglio tardi che mai". Valutando le donazioni dichiarate, sono rimasto sorpreso, perchè in verità mi aspettavo una cifra molto più elevata. Alla vigilia del V-day erano stati preventivati 40.000 euro per le varie spese della manifestazione a Bologna, ed era in sostanza la cifra che Beppe chiedeva di coprire attraverso le donazioni. Alla luce dei fatti si delineano due ipotesi , o i sostenitori economici del V-day sono stati pochi, e molto abili nell'accordarsi tra loro per raggiungere la cifra senza superarla di troppo, oppure i sostenitori sono stati tanti e poco generosi, in ogni caso stupisce la vicinanza tra i soldi richiesti (€40.000) e quelli ottenuti (€42.005,27) . A dir la verità esiste anche un'altra ipotesi. I soldi che Beppe dichiara non sono quelli realmente percepiti. L'idea non mi piace e preferirei abbandonarla sin da ora lasciando il dubbio al lettore.
Mi permetto di criticare la mancanza di una trasparenza "assoluta" in questa circostanza, e mi sento a bit 'disappointed, because this gap leaves room for some doubt.
For the next gift that you'd rather find an alternative solution to the collection and management of funds. I think many people would be happy to pay bank fees for transfer, and for me, really appreciate it to see the progress of the collection in real time, or at least as quickly as possible.
The difference between the expenses incurred and donations amounted to € 87,631.43, Beppe Grillo, or so I thank those who helped him through this hole to cover.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Gpsphone Walkthrough Walls
Review the information in all its nuance is a primary need of every totalitarian regime. Nazism, Stalinism and fascism made use of strict rules, which censored all information contrary to the "criteria of goodness" took power. So far the media have sold to the power and the only means of dispute has been the Internet. But if technology has given us the web, the policy is ready to remove it. The same majority, which means Gentiloni has proposed to reduce the digital divide, is preparing now to cut the network, destroying the nuclei that collect information and debate, that is, blogs and personal spaces on the Internet. The bill, Levi-Prodi called , was approved by the cabinet on October 12, and will shortly be presented to parliament for the likelihood of making a final law. Among the general aims of the bill is "the protection and promotion of
principle of pluralism of information held by ' Article 21 of the Constitution
and understood as the right to freedom of information and
be informed. "
But behind these fine words hides a real catch. Article
.2 of Levi-Prodi introduced the concept of "editorial product" as:
" any product bearing aim of information, training, dissemination, entertainment, it for publication, whatever the form in which it is achieved and the means by which it may disseminate .
Article .5 defines any publishing activities "directed at the development and distribution of publishing products."
From these two articles have already figured that anyone who writes a blog, as I am doing at this moment, engaged editorial.
L ' article 6 requires the registration to the ROC (Registry of Professional Communication) to anyone who exercises editorial work, pay taxes, this makes even if the activity is not publishing for profit. So if Levi-Prodi law was running at this time, to write these things should I register my blog a publishing company , appoint a director of my web space, which must actually be enrolled at of journalists, and pay a fee editorial. Who will explain the 15 year old with the blog on MSN to publish pictures of his vacation at sea must pay a stamp??
But there's more!
Article .7 shows that anyone writes on the Internet is subject to the rules governing the press offenses or better is considered responsible for one who has to authorize the publication of information ", that is my chief. Basically they are equivalent to the national newspapers to blog on the Internet from 3 visits a day. If I write on my blog where my mom is reading , my dad and my fellow faculty, "Ricardo Franco Levi is the shame of Italy and it sucks", with this law could incur heavy quarrels rather than in the criminal law.
This law was hidden behind an article the Constitution, which has nothing to do with this bureaucratization of free expression, so you want to delete the most democratic and free us both in this country. The truth is that Prodi is not a prime minister, but the waiter interests who see the Internet the greatest threat to their survival.
E 'gag rule to which all must submit, as history teaches, but in 2007 we are still willing to be repetitive?
I think at this point have been only two ways to go, resignation and the consequent recognition that we are slaves of a totalitarian system, or march on Rome, to request a loud voice in the House, the abolition of this abortion legislation, and the restoration of Article 21 (written in 1947), so that it can also include the protection of freedom di critica su internet. Credo che una Costituzione moderna abbia l'obbligo di contenere questo tema.
Review the information in all its nuance is a primary need of every totalitarian regime. Nazism, Stalinism and fascism made use of strict rules, which censored all information contrary to the "criteria of goodness" took power. So far the media have sold to the power and the only means of dispute has been the Internet. But if technology has given us the web, the policy is ready to remove it. The same majority, which means Gentiloni has proposed to reduce the digital divide, is preparing now to cut the network, destroying the nuclei that collect information and debate, that is, blogs and personal spaces on the Internet. The bill, Levi-Prodi called , was approved by the cabinet on October 12, and will shortly be presented to parliament for the likelihood of making a final law. Among the general aims of the bill is "the protection and promotion of
principle of pluralism of information held by ' Article 21 of the Constitution
and understood as the right to freedom of information and
be informed. "
But behind these fine words hides a real catch. Article
.2 of Levi-Prodi introduced the concept of "editorial product" as:
" any product bearing aim of information, training, dissemination, entertainment, it for publication, whatever the form in which it is achieved and the means by which it may disseminate .
Article .5 defines any publishing activities "directed at the development and distribution of publishing products."
From these two articles have already figured that anyone who writes a blog, as I am doing at this moment, engaged editorial.
L ' article 6 requires the registration to the ROC (Registry of Professional Communication) to anyone who exercises editorial work, pay taxes, this makes even if the activity is not publishing for profit. So if Levi-Prodi law was running at this time, to write these things should I register my blog a publishing company , appoint a director of my web space, which must actually be enrolled at of journalists, and pay a fee editorial. Who will explain the 15 year old with the blog on MSN to publish pictures of his vacation at sea must pay a stamp??
But there's more!
Article .7 shows that anyone writes on the Internet is subject to the rules governing the press offenses or better is considered responsible for one who has to authorize the publication of information ", that is my chief. Basically they are equivalent to the national newspapers to blog on the Internet from 3 visits a day. If I write on my blog where my mom is reading , my dad and my fellow faculty, "Ricardo Franco Levi is the shame of Italy and it sucks", with this law could incur heavy quarrels rather than in the criminal law.
This law was hidden behind an article the Constitution, which has nothing to do with this bureaucratization of free expression, so you want to delete the most democratic and free us both in this country. The truth is that Prodi is not a prime minister, but the waiter interests who see the Internet the greatest threat to their survival.
E 'gag rule to which all must submit, as history teaches, but in 2007 we are still willing to be repetitive?
I think at this point have been only two ways to go, resignation and the consequent recognition that we are slaves of a totalitarian system, or march on Rome, to request a loud voice in the House, the abolition of this abortion legislation, and the restoration of Article 21 (written in 1947), so that it can also include the protection of freedom di critica su internet. Credo che una Costituzione moderna abbia l'obbligo di contenere questo tema.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Pokemon Heart Gold For Nds
Football must go back to being a sports
ROMA, 15 ottobre 2007 - Fifa in lotta contro YouTube. Non è ancora un problema in Europa, perchè le qualificazioni per i Mondiali di Sud Africa 2010 non sono ancora cominciate (il sorteggio dei gironi è in programma a Durban il 25 novembre), ma in Sudamerica è già iniziata la nuova "crociata" della federazione calcistica mondiale, che vuole impedire l'accesso negli stadi, per le partite sotto la sua egida, a videocamere ed altri strumenti con cui gli spettatori possono effettuare riprese filmed from the stands. All this to curb the spread of audio-visual unauthorized (which you do not pay fees) on YouTube or other means of distribution.
searches at BOGOTA ' - The effects of this decision have been seen at the El Campin stadium in Bogota, where last night they faced Colombia and Brazil for the first day of the South American qualifying group. According to reports from the most popular Brazilian newspaper, A Folha de Sao Paulo, to set up the first points of filtering of the inputs to all the spectators were asked if they had a camera with him: if so, the object was confiscated. There have also been searching, and for this reason the gates plant would be formed long queues. There were people who managed to introduce a still camera, but when you take it out and put in operation immediately was "accosted" by the stewards and private security services (the Brazilian newspaper defines them as "very aggressive"), which seized the object.
handset as weapons - Everything, according to Fifa, including for those who had bought the rights to this game, or the Colombian broadcaster Caracol. The introduction of cameras inside the stadium has been banned (and soon the measure could be extended to camera phones, always match the "name plate" Fifa) like that of firearms and alcoholic beverages. In Bogota was also denied entry to pregnant women and unaccompanied minors. 39 touts arrested immediately loaded onto a mobile police stationed nearby.
Gazzetta dello Sport 15/10/2007
The only way to bring down the machine's business of football has three simple steps, every person in love with the sport should consider:
1) Fasting total purchase of official shirts, signed balls, figurines, statues and various gadgets.
2) Request a written statement through the 'elimination of its contract Sky, Mediaset Premium, LA7 so unless the licensee does not strive in urging FIFA to remove these totalitarian attitude. We want to make sure no PRISONS stages.
3) For each batch picket stage, without entering, presenting the grounds for the protest on every point.
These are the only weapons we have to remove the mud that supports the sport we love. We must use them, and quickly.
ROMA, 15 ottobre 2007 - Fifa in lotta contro YouTube. Non è ancora un problema in Europa, perchè le qualificazioni per i Mondiali di Sud Africa 2010 non sono ancora cominciate (il sorteggio dei gironi è in programma a Durban il 25 novembre), ma in Sudamerica è già iniziata la nuova "crociata" della federazione calcistica mondiale, che vuole impedire l'accesso negli stadi, per le partite sotto la sua egida, a videocamere ed altri strumenti con cui gli spettatori possono effettuare riprese filmed from the stands. All this to curb the spread of audio-visual unauthorized (which you do not pay fees) on YouTube or other means of distribution.
searches at BOGOTA ' - The effects of this decision have been seen at the El Campin stadium in Bogota, where last night they faced Colombia and Brazil for the first day of the South American qualifying group. According to reports from the most popular Brazilian newspaper, A Folha de Sao Paulo, to set up the first points of filtering of the inputs to all the spectators were asked if they had a camera with him: if so, the object was confiscated. There have also been searching, and for this reason the gates plant would be formed long queues. There were people who managed to introduce a still camera, but when you take it out and put in operation immediately was "accosted" by the stewards and private security services (the Brazilian newspaper defines them as "very aggressive"), which seized the object.
handset as weapons - Everything, according to Fifa, including for those who had bought the rights to this game, or the Colombian broadcaster Caracol. The introduction of cameras inside the stadium has been banned (and soon the measure could be extended to camera phones, always match the "name plate" Fifa) like that of firearms and alcoholic beverages. In Bogota was also denied entry to pregnant women and unaccompanied minors. 39 touts arrested immediately loaded onto a mobile police stationed nearby.
Gazzetta dello Sport 15/10/2007
The only way to bring down the machine's business of football has three simple steps, every person in love with the sport should consider:
1) Fasting total purchase of official shirts, signed balls, figurines, statues and various gadgets.
2) Request a written statement through the 'elimination of its contract Sky, Mediaset Premium, LA7 so unless the licensee does not strive in urging FIFA to remove these totalitarian attitude. We want to make sure no PRISONS stages.
3) For each batch picket stage, without entering, presenting the grounds for the protest on every point.
These are the only weapons we have to remove the mud that supports the sport we love. We must use them, and quickly.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Denise Milani Real Nip Slip
Clarifications on V-DAY
It 's been over a month now since the day of "defeat" policy, big emotions are still alive from that day and fortunately did not switch off the enthusiasm among the supporters, yet there is still a matter to be resolved. In the post " Parliament responds to the blog " of 26 July 2007, Beppe Grillo enter in the postscript that exhortation
" my participation in the spectacle of Bologna and other artists will be free. For the creation and management are provided about 40,000 €. I start with 5,000 €. Who wants to participate can do so under the bank reported.
bank account to
Beppe Grillo ABI 05018 CAB 12100
c / c 116276 Swift
Iban: IT35B0501812100000000116276
CIN B Banca Popolare Etica
Cause: V-Day "
In the following days will include Beppe page of the event, including a section on the donation, with the bank above. According to the intervention of Cricket on the September 13, people who have supported the V-Day with their signature amounted to 332,225. If every person who signed had also wanted to contribute in cash, would be enough € 0.12 per person to cover the expenditure of € 40,000 needed. I have participated in putting 15 euro donation. In the days following V-DAY, from about September 13, not knowing if it was possible to fall in the budgeted expenditure on the blog I started to ask, information about the situation of the collection. I also enjoyed the mailbox setup available on the blog, to send the same message directly to Beppe. Sent the same email for each new post on the blog (so an email per day). I have not received any response , mostly I have been frequently criticized some of which no logic and other contenstabili according to the requests that I asked. I wanted to christen this group of people's " scavengers of the blog," to highlight the characteristic reconciled with each other in order to discard the comments less appreciative and discriminating against the ideas of the authors. The message I sent with shameless persistence is as follows:
" Hello Beppe,
start with the compliments because you deserve it, after years and years of battles are too poor to appear in newspapers only after V-Day. But I'm sure it's much more satisfying the huge crowd that for some time takes you to every performance, rather than the paragraph journalistic rhetoric and imbued with hidden interest.
I wanted to make a very simple question to which I have not been reflected so far. How much money has been collected through the current account of the Ethical Bank before September 8? Although not
of Genoa, I would be happy to know where is gone the money I paid. We came to € 40,000 needed to pay structures in the square in Bologna? It is perhaps enhanced? How many? I think that would be received with much approval in a corner where I blog recorded the accounts of public collection.
Thank you for everything you've done so far.
Awaiting your kind reply I greet with affection
Hello !!!!"
The September 3 after a kilometer blog post, the third postscript Beppe writes:
"I'm finishing accounts of expenses incurred for the V-day. We will shortly publish the results of the subscription. A heartfelt thanks to those who supported the V-day.
After one month of V-DAY still do not know any data on the extent of the money raised with the reason "V-Day." Beppe Grillo is a master in teaching that when there are half of the money we must demand full transparency . And I to this teaching of his sacred try to appeal. There are other people on the web who think like me, and I would not exclude some sort of collaboration, if the situation were to ruin. From today I start to "bother" on the blog, I hope not to run into some other scavenger rude.
ps thank
for making available the video of introduction, which I fully agree with the content.
It 's been over a month now since the day of "defeat" policy, big emotions are still alive from that day and fortunately did not switch off the enthusiasm among the supporters, yet there is still a matter to be resolved. In the post " Parliament responds to the blog " of 26 July 2007, Beppe Grillo enter in the postscript that exhortation
" my participation in the spectacle of Bologna and other artists will be free. For the creation and management are provided about 40,000 €. I start with 5,000 €. Who wants to participate can do so under the bank reported.
bank account to
Beppe Grillo ABI 05018 CAB 12100
c / c 116276 Swift
Iban: IT35B0501812100000000116276
CIN B Banca Popolare Etica
Cause: V-Day "
In the following days will include Beppe page of the event, including a section on the donation, with the bank above. According to the intervention of Cricket on the September 13, people who have supported the V-Day with their signature amounted to 332,225. If every person who signed had also wanted to contribute in cash, would be enough € 0.12 per person to cover the expenditure of € 40,000 needed. I have participated in putting 15 euro donation. In the days following V-DAY, from about September 13, not knowing if it was possible to fall in the budgeted expenditure on the blog I started to ask, information about the situation of the collection. I also enjoyed the mailbox setup available on the blog, to send the same message directly to Beppe. Sent the same email for each new post on the blog (so an email per day). I have not received any response , mostly I have been frequently criticized some of which no logic and other contenstabili according to the requests that I asked. I wanted to christen this group of people's " scavengers of the blog," to highlight the characteristic reconciled with each other in order to discard the comments less appreciative and discriminating against the ideas of the authors. The message I sent with shameless persistence is as follows:
" Hello Beppe,
start with the compliments because you deserve it, after years and years of battles are too poor to appear in newspapers only after V-Day. But I'm sure it's much more satisfying the huge crowd that for some time takes you to every performance, rather than the paragraph journalistic rhetoric and imbued with hidden interest.
I wanted to make a very simple question to which I have not been reflected so far. How much money has been collected through the current account of the Ethical Bank before September 8? Although not
of Genoa, I would be happy to know where is gone the money I paid. We came to € 40,000 needed to pay structures in the square in Bologna? It is perhaps enhanced? How many? I think that would be received with much approval in a corner where I blog recorded the accounts of public collection.
Thank you for everything you've done so far.
Awaiting your kind reply I greet with affection
Hello !!!!"
The September 3 after a kilometer blog post, the third postscript Beppe writes:
"I'm finishing accounts of expenses incurred for the V-day. We will shortly publish the results of the subscription. A heartfelt thanks to those who supported the V-day.
After one month of V-DAY still do not know any data on the extent of the money raised with the reason "V-Day." Beppe Grillo is a master in teaching that when there are half of the money we must demand full transparency . And I to this teaching of his sacred try to appeal. There are other people on the web who think like me, and I would not exclude some sort of collaboration, if the situation were to ruin. From today I start to "bother" on the blog, I hope not to run into some other scavenger rude.
ps thank
for making available the video of introduction, which I fully agree with the content.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Nipple Piercing Smell
The Sfiduciarie
"I never asked complaints - added Mastella - I come from a Catholic school per cui il dubbio è permanente. Dico ai consiglieri, e non è una minaccia ma una valutazione, che gli italiani avranno anche le scatole piene se ogni sera si parla di me piuttosto che dei problemi reali. O il Consiglio di amministrazione della Rai dà una regola di comportamento, o attiveremo strumenti parlamentari sfiduciando questo Cda, non abbiamo alternative »
Corriere della Sera 05/10/2007
Ho riportato qui sopra il commento che il ministro della Giustizia Mastella ha esposto dopo la trasmissione Annozero di ieri sera, il cui tema centrale era il caso De Magistris . Il leader UDEUR prende in mano le reins of the country, is an interpreter only appreciation of Italian (" Italians will also have boxes full when it comes to me every night ") and imposes its side squad threatening to take action against the Board of RAI. Here reappears caste, the elite of the untouchables, the incriticabili, without any consciousness of the privileged who are ready to attack every item he plays against them. Mastella from its 534,088 preference votes, he feels a duty to protect the Italians (who in December 2006 was 59,131,287) to be boring and overly forcaiola information. So if you want Mastella disheartened the Board of RAI as an Italian citizen I want to be able to Mastella disheartened. Do not want to appear as the champion of RAI, as for years continues to sciorinare programs that have no rating at the macroscopic level, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe keeper makes me jump to mind as much fun as a proposal unworkable. But because politicians can only claim the election and never mistrust? Because the Italian people has no means to remove the political decision it deems less worthy? If you are the General Election I will also Sfiduciarie Policy. The entire Italian electorate has to choose 100 people to move away from political institutions. Every citizen will be delivered first and last names of MPs, senators and ministers, on-card della sfiducia" il cittadino dovrà scrivere nome e cognome dello sfiduciato. Al termine delle Sfiduciarie la "top hundred" dovrà tenersi alla larga dalla politica per almeno una legislatura. E qui sì che la demagogia regna sovrana!!!
Sono sicuro che il povero ministro Mastella rientrerebbe facilmente addirittura nella "top ten" delle Sfiduciarie Politiche. Se mai questa nuova forma di potere al cittadino acquisirà concretezza, auguro sinceramente al ministro Mastella i migliori auspici, oltre che la promessa di un voto di sfiducia.
"I never asked complaints - added Mastella - I come from a Catholic school per cui il dubbio è permanente. Dico ai consiglieri, e non è una minaccia ma una valutazione, che gli italiani avranno anche le scatole piene se ogni sera si parla di me piuttosto che dei problemi reali. O il Consiglio di amministrazione della Rai dà una regola di comportamento, o attiveremo strumenti parlamentari sfiduciando questo Cda, non abbiamo alternative »
Corriere della Sera 05/10/2007
Ho riportato qui sopra il commento che il ministro della Giustizia Mastella ha esposto dopo la trasmissione Annozero di ieri sera, il cui tema centrale era il caso De Magistris . Il leader UDEUR prende in mano le reins of the country, is an interpreter only appreciation of Italian (" Italians will also have boxes full when it comes to me every night ") and imposes its side squad threatening to take action against the Board of RAI. Here reappears caste, the elite of the untouchables, the incriticabili, without any consciousness of the privileged who are ready to attack every item he plays against them. Mastella from its 534,088 preference votes, he feels a duty to protect the Italians (who in December 2006 was 59,131,287) to be boring and overly forcaiola information. So if you want Mastella disheartened the Board of RAI as an Italian citizen I want to be able to Mastella disheartened. Do not want to appear as the champion of RAI, as for years continues to sciorinare programs that have no rating at the macroscopic level, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe keeper makes me jump to mind as much fun as a proposal unworkable. But because politicians can only claim the election and never mistrust? Because the Italian people has no means to remove the political decision it deems less worthy? If you are the General Election I will also Sfiduciarie Policy. The entire Italian electorate has to choose 100 people to move away from political institutions. Every citizen will be delivered first and last names of MPs, senators and ministers, on-card della sfiducia" il cittadino dovrà scrivere nome e cognome dello sfiduciato. Al termine delle Sfiduciarie la "top hundred" dovrà tenersi alla larga dalla politica per almeno una legislatura. E qui sì che la demagogia regna sovrana!!!
Sono sicuro che il povero ministro Mastella rientrerebbe facilmente addirittura nella "top ten" delle Sfiduciarie Politiche. Se mai questa nuova forma di potere al cittadino acquisirà concretezza, auguro sinceramente al ministro Mastella i migliori auspici, oltre che la promessa di un voto di sfiducia.
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