Monday, January 10, 2011

Apply For A Job At Fred Meyer


inaugurazione 13 gennaio, ore 18.30

Contemporaneamente a Pitti Uomo, l’evento più illustre della moda a Firenze, apre VANITY F_AIR, una mostra che tramite tre artisti contemporanei di diversa estrazione artistica e geografica, indaga il concetto tradizionale di vanitas. Dario Bartolini, Marco Mazzoni, Josephine Wister Faure, riflettono, con differenti approcci, linguaggi, e media ed in maniera seria o ironica, sulla vanità e sulle aspirazioni umane. La mostra presenta vari formati: sculture sospese di materiali non convenzionali, fotografia, istallazioni. Tutto concorre to act as a commentary on a subject which for centuries also intrigued artists and intellectuals, and, more recently, the fashion world. For the vernissage the theme of vanity in the food, will be played by Apicius, International School of Hospitality in Florence. The three artists in the exhibition will be presented by an introductory note written by many writers / historians / performers: Dario Bartolini, by Renato Ranaldi, Marco Mazzoni, by Mariantonia Rinaldi, Josephine Wister Faure, by Lucia Garden.

By Lucia Garden

F_AIR - Artist in Residence Florence, Via San Gallo 45R, Florence
January 13 to 24
opening hours: 12:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday


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