tambourine frame drum - origins
The frame drum is a percussion musical instrument consisting of a single skin mounted on a ring small metal cymbals with or without the latter case is sometimes called "dumb". Technically, a frame drum (frame drum in English) is defined as a drum with a depth less than the diameter.
The origin of frame drums really gets lost in the mists of time: there is illustrative material that dates over 6000 years that represents men and women who play this type of instrument, especially during religious ceremonies or rituals. Formerly there were (and still exist today) cultures in which the task of playing the instrument was exclusively delegated to women. In ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, in Ancient Greece was already widespread. The frame drum came to the present day and is especially important in popular music tradition (think of the tambourine and tammorra in Italy). It is estimated that the construction techniques (very simple) have changed very little (if not almost all) with the passage of millennia.
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