Friday, October 29, 2010

Late Period Stress Flu

special graphic techniques

special graphic techniques
teacher: Marina Bolmini

knowledge of contemporary art is still the responsibility of s
tereotipi and hearsay, but it would be important that we do not modernize both the art world (in Italy very exciting), but the perception and knowledge of the general public. POPARTLAB you can define a course of art "popular" dal punto di vista teorico e tecnico. Il primo aspetto, ovvero quello teorico, trova i suoi motivi ispiratori nell’avanguardia americana degli anni ’60: la pop art. Il termine “Pop Art”, abbreviazione di popular art, fu coniato nel 1955 da due studiosi inglesi, Lesile Fiedler e Reyner Banham, per designare l’universo dei mass-media, o meglio delle forme visive e musicali ad esso collegate: dal cartellone pubblicitario alla televisione,dal cinema alla musica leggera, dai rotocalchi ai fumetti, dalla moda alla confezione delle merci di consumo. Il variegato, e a suo modo immaginativo, linguaggio dei nuovi prodotti destinati alla massa aveva preso il posto delle immagini popolari di un tempo, legate all’artigianato and folk traditions, taking their level but remaining separate hierarchical art "cultured." In the early sixties the American critic Lawrence Alloway adopted the term "pop art" in another sense, as the theme of a new avant-garde movement whose manifestations, while maintaining the level "read" the art, operating a ' unusual exchange with the media. The artists of this movement is dedicated to the transcription of pictorial imagery offered by the universe of mass media, producing paintings inspired by comic books or other images of consumer and mutually reproduction techniques (screen printing, production multiples).
On this basis, the work plan to use and manipulate images taken from everyday life or from the world media personnel, using photos, photocopies, magazine clippings and heterogeneous materials. Consequently, the course is open to everyone, even those without knowledge and basics of drawing and painting. Techniques and materials

From technical point of view of industrial printing methods will be converted into a purely traditional way, using the following techniques:
- Printing with solvent;
- monotype print with glass and paper;
- stencil printing .
The work of play will be integrated with the use painting, collage and assemblage, working with paper, cloth, plastic, veneer and whatever is deemed appropriate by the needs of creative students. These elements are readily available as waste by recycling, which would enable students to rethink the functionality and use of objects. Then the materials will be used primarily pastels, watercolor crayons, paints and recycled materials, paper and canvas media.
The course will be taught the uses of these techniques, supported by lectures on graphic design, visual perception and color theory. The main purpose is the development of work manually via the use of heterogeneous materials and the spirit of observation against the image, as well as giving free rein to the imagination of students. In addition, this research which starts from the art of the '60s want to bring students to contemporary art (dispelling the myth incomprehensibility), reflect the influence that the media world exercises on an exercise creativity and practice of criticism and experimentation.

Ideas For Sports Bar Uniforms


insegnante: Tiziana Scopano

Perché disegnare dal vero
La visione
- le proiezioni ortogonali e l’assonometria
- la prospettiva
- le ombre- i mezzi toni
- la luce
- i lumi
- i riflessi
LE OMBRE PORTATE - in assonometria e in prospettiva
TECNICHE di controllo e di riporto del disegno
- la natura morta
- il panneggio
- la figura
- il paesaggio
- temi proposti dai soci allievi
- L’acquerello
- L’olio - oltre le 20 ore di lezione -

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

To Build A Home Free Sheet Music

With the sponsorship of Itri, Department culture, and the axis. Cult.Terraurunca November 19, 2010 at 19:30 will be presented at the Museum of brigandage of the new Itri tambourine during 2010/2011. The course will be played by Valentina Ferraiuolo teacher who took the same courses in many Italian cities.
our countrymen This is considered among the best musicians of Italian frame drum (tambourine), is currently soloist of the popular Italian park auditorium in Rome, conducted by Ambrose Sparagna. He is also working with a major ethno-anthropological work in Paris for the study of sounds and traditional Italian songs, being summoned to testify the musical tradition of the land aurunca.
The course will be held every week in meetings lasting about two hours every Friday, in the evening. After completing this course, students will play one or two days of work experience with leading Italian composers of popular music.

It will thus contribute to the dissemination of our culture, to transmit our national traditions to new generations and include a resource, such as teacher Valentina Ferraiuolo, in the territory.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Small Blister On Infant Penis

tambourine frame drum - origins

The frame drum is a percussion musical instrument consisting of a single skin mounted on a ring small metal cymbals with or without the latter case is sometimes called "dumb". Technically, a frame drum (frame drum in English) is defined as a drum with a depth less than the diameter.
The origin of frame drums really gets lost in the mists of time: there is illustrative material that dates over 6000 years that represents men and women who play this type of instrument, especially during religious ceremonies or rituals. Formerly there were (and still exist today) cultures in which the task of playing the instrument was exclusively delegated to women. In ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, in Ancient Greece was already widespread. The frame drum came to the present day and is especially important in popular music tradition (think of the tambourine and tammorra in Italy). It is estimated that the construction techniques (very simple) have changed very little (if not almost all) with the passage of millennia.

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Technical Executive

We can say that the techniques used vary from drum to drum, although obviously there are clear similarities. Most of the frame drum has two basic types of sound:
open sounds: DUM usually called, is produced by hitting the skin in the middle, making it vibrate freely
closed sounds: they are produced by striking the drum at the Central (but without leaving the skin vibrate, a rap, often given with an open hand that is left in contact with the skin to keep it from vibrating) or edge (often using his fingers, not the whole hand).
Although, as noted above, they often use their hands to play, there are frame drums, such as the Irish bodhran, which is played using a stick or other tool. Obviously
techniques enforcement may come to be very complex and require great dexterity and skill, such as the tambourine Italian or Egyptian riq

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musical tradition

In all cultures where it is present, the drum framework is closely linked to the popular music tradition. To give some examples: maybe you do not need to remember the tambourine in Italy in the tradition of Tammurriata and Tarantella in all its facets, in Spain (especially in Galicia), the pandeiro, pandeiro and the pandeireta are closely tied to songs and dances who effin with several Italian folk tradition, in Persia (now Iran), the Daf is the drum used by Sufi songs and dances (think of the famous Whirling Dervishes) in India Kanjiro is used as a means of supporting (but also solo) in the classical music of the south.
NGLI 70s, with the approach of the popular musical cultures of other countries in Western music (Especially jazz), the frame drums have begun to spread outside their country of origin. With extraordinary talent such as Glen Velez, this type of tool could find new music in unusual contexts.
is undeniable that the frame drum has, because of its apparent simplicity and charm that comes with it due to its remote origin, a great evocative power and versatility is difficult to compare with that of other instruments.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ron Pope Piano Sheet Music Free Fireflies


- biomorphic scenarios -

Marco Appicciafuoco
Daniela Faiani
William Lucidi

from September 29 to October 13, 2010

William Lucidi

Daniela Faiani

Marco Appicciafuoco