Clean Parliament 2008
Beppe Grillo published new list of MPs who have been convicted. The comparison between the Parliament of the XV Legislature (25 ordered) and present (17 ordered), results in a difference of 8 convicted less. The best news is that many convicted of the last Parliament were not re-elected or re-nominated (13 in total). The problem is that these staff shortages, takes the "new entry" (5 total). So 25-13 = 17 +5 parliamentary convicts.
People convicted of the 13 definitely not re-elected or re-nominated:
Alfredo Biondi (Senator CdL) : tax evasion, 2 months settlement.
Paolo Cirino Pomicino (MP CdL) : illegal financing tangent Enimont, 1 year and 8 months; corruption funds blacks ENI, 2 months settlement.
Sergio d'Elia (MP UNION) : armed gang and abetting in murder, 25 years.
Antonio del Pennino (Senator CdL): illicit financing.
Gianni de Michelis (MEP UNION) : illegal financing Enimont, 6 months bargained, corruption, 1 year and 6 months.
Daniele Farina (MP UNION) : Sentenced to manufacture, possession of explosive devices, and port abuse, resistance
a public official, grievous bodily harm and failure to comply with orders of authority.
Lino Jannuzzi (Senator CdL) : several convictions for aggravated defamation, a total of 2 years and four months.
Giovanni Mauro (Senator CdL) : aggravated defamation.
Aldo Patriciello (MEP CdL) : Finance, illegal.
Cesare Previti (MP CdL) : judicial corruption, 6 years.
Sterpa Egidio (Senator CdL) : tangent Enimont, 6 months.
Vincenzo Visco (MP UNION) : illegal building.
Elio Vito (MP CdL) : corruption, two years.
After the V-DAY 8 September 2007 issue "condemned in parliament" was greatly sensitized. The parties algli beginning of the campaign have promised clean lists. In fact, the party leaders have given up some unnecessary applications. All parties (except the Northern League and MPA) have allowed the election of some new final sentence. makers are the party leaders: Silvio Berlusconi (3), Pier Ferdinando Casini (1), Walter Veltroni (1). Without these 5 names we halved the number of final sentence.
5 List of new entry:
Ciarrapico Joseph (Senator PDL) : convictions can boast as exploitation child labor, 4 years and 6 months for fraudulent bankruptcy, bankruptcy three years for receiving stolen property, 1 year and 8 months for aggravated fraud, and sentenced to 1 year with fast-track trial for false accounting and fraud. In all five convictions.
Renato Farina (Deputy PDL) : 6 months (negotiation) for aiding and abetting in the case of seismic CIA.
Antonio Papania (Deputy PD) : sentenced to 2 years 20 months and 20 days (negotiation) for abuse of office.
Naro Giuseppe (UDC MP) : 6 months for abuse of office.
Salvatore Sciascia (Deputy PDL) : 2 years and 6 months for corruption in the scandal of bribes to the Guardia di Finanza officers bribed Guardia di Finanza.
better analyze the comparison between the two lists of offenders, we can make another list, the list of "untouchables". Or those who have been kept in the lists (and then elected) is that in this last term. There are 12 names that have been saved from the "awareness" of the condemned in parliament.
List of 12 untouchables:
Massimo Maria Berruti (MP PDL): aiding in case "Guardia di Finanza, 8 months.
Vito Bonsignore (MEP PDL): attempted extortion in the bribery scandal Hospital of Asti, 2 years.
Mario Borghezio (MEP LN): definitely convicted for aggravated by fire "purpose of discrimination," for setting fire to mattresses of some immigrants sleeping under a bridge in Turin, 2 months and 20 days in prison
switched to a fine of € 3,040.
Umberto Bossi (MP BN): definitively sentenced to 8 months imprisonment for the illegal financing of 200 million maxitangente Enimont.
Carlo Giampiero Cantoni (Senator PDL): 2 years (negotiation) for corruption and fraudulent bankruptcy.
Carra Enzo (PD MP): sentenced to 1 year and 4 months for making false statements in the case of bribes Enimont.
Marcello de Angelis (Member PDL): sentenced to 5 years for an armed and subversive association (manager of the Third Position).
Marcello Dell'Utri (Senator PDL): finally sentenced to Turin to 2 years and 3 months for tax fraud and false invoices in the management of Publitalia.
Giorgio La Malfa (MP PDL): finally sentenced to 6 months for illegal financing of maxitangente Enimont.
Roberto Maroni (MP BN): sentenced 4 years and 20 days for resisting a public officer.
Domenico Nania (Senator PDL): arrested and sentenced to 10 days a final 7-months-related injuries in violent activities in the youth groups of the extreme right.
Antonio Tomassini(senatore PDL): condanna di 3 anni per falso in atto pubblico. Il dott. Tomassini è stato condannato definitivamente per aver soppresso il partogramma di una sua paziente, la quale partorì una neonata destinata a 19 anni di vita vegetativa.
Questi citati sono solo i condannati in via definitiva, ovvero coloro che per legge sono considerati colpevoli, poichè condannati fino all'ultimo grado di giudizio (Cassazione). In realtà sarebbe più giusto considerare anche i prescritti, poichè anche loro colpevoli, ma salvati dai tempi di prescrizione. In Italia grazie alle leggi berlusconiane, e al totale disinteresse all'argomento del governo Prodi, almeno il 95% dei reati viene prescritto. Cioè i criminali non vanno quasi mai in carcere, e questo vale per politici, per cittadini e anche per gli extracomunitari (la legge è uguale per tutti). Inoltre per una questione di etica pubblica, sarebbe molto elegante se si dimettessero anche i parlamentari già condannati negli altri gradi di giudizio (primo, secondo, appello), in attesa di procedere con l'iter giudiziario. Il principio di presunzione d'innocenza (giustificato dalla Costituzione all'art.27) è valido solo per definire univocamente chi è colpevole e chi non lo è. Ma penso che l'elettorato possa permettersi anche una presunzione di colpevolezza. Nel dubbio sarebbe opportuno allontare il presunto innocente/colpevole from the seats of the legislature, so it will not change the law and save face, Berlusconi docet. In this blog I provided a list of "parliamentary promoted as" all those who for reasons related to law, I should resign from office.
ps. Leoluca Orlando has not been included in today, in spite of his final conviction for aggravated defamation. I decided not to include Orlando because I think that the context of his conviction is unique, and very different from other "colleagues", convicted of defamation, which inhabit the Parliament.
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